The Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality (ACIMM), formerly called the Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality, was formed in 1991. HRSA manages the ACIMM.
The ACIMM advises the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on department activities, partnerships, policies, resources, and programs directed at improving the health of infants and women before, during, and after pregnancy. The ACIMM focuses on what causes disparities in birth outcomes for women and infants and works to recommend changes. The Committee aims to reduce:
- Infant mortality: deaths of babies up to 1 year old
- Maternal mortality: deaths of people while they are pregnant and for up to a year after they give birth
- Severe maternal morbidity: unexpected complications or major health issues that happen from childbirth that leads to major short- or long-term health problems for mothers
The ACIMM advises the HHS Secretary on the best ways to coordinate efforts across federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to lower infant death rates, prevent problems related to pregnancy and childbirth, and improve mothers’ health. The ACIMM also advises the HHS Secretary on ways to influence similar efforts in the private and voluntary sectors.
The ACIMM is dedicated to addressing health disparities and other environmental, social, and economic factors that contribute to infant mortality.
Contact us
Email Vanessa Lee, M.P.H, Designated Federal Official
Find out more about nominations for ACIMM membership.