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  3. May a hospital use 340B-priced drugs in "mixed-use" settings, such as a surgery department, where both inpatients and outpatients are treated? If so, what if the hospital cannot track which drugs are used for inpatients and which ones are used for outpatients?

May a hospital use 340B-priced drugs in "mixed-use" settings, such as a surgery department, where both inpatients and outpatients are treated? If so, what if the hospital cannot track which drugs are used for inpatients and which ones are used for outpatients?

May a hospital use 340B-priced drugs in "mixed-use" settings, such as a surgery department, where both inpatients and outpatients are treated? If so, what if the hospital cannot track which drugs are used for inpatients and which ones are used for outpatients?

A hospital may use 340B drugs for patients treated in mixed-use settings that appear as reimbursable cost centers on the hospital’s most recently filed Medicare cost report and meet patient definition guidelines. The hospital must develop appropriate tracking systems to ensure that covered outpatient drugs purchased through the 340B Program are not used for hospital inpatients. It is the duty of the hospital to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect against diversion. If a hospital is unable to implement an effective tracking system, it should not use the 340B Program in that setting.

340B Implementation
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