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Recent HRSA Administrator Events

March 4, 2025: Rural Communities Opioid Response Program Grantee Meeting

HRSA Administrator Tom Engels spoke at a convening in Washington D.C. that included over 650 participants of HRSA’s Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP). The three-day event was an opportunity for RCORP grantees to engage, collaborate, and share lessons learned with peers, federal officials, and partners to expand treatment, prevention and recovery efforts for rural Americans affected by opioid and substance use disorders, including from fentanyl.

February 25 – 27, 2025: Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee Meeting

HRSA Administrator Tom Engels participated in the February 25-27 Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee meeting in Washington, DC. During this first meeting between Tribal delegates and HHS principals from the new Administration, Administrator Engels engaged with Tribal leaders to listen to their priorities and recommendations. He also shared updates about HRSA programs, including the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline and the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program. He also invited Tribal leaders to connect with regional staff in HRSA’s Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs who offer valuable technical assistance and support to Tribes. 

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