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The HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) administers the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) and plays a critical role in helping diagnose, treat, prevent, and respond as part of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.(link is external) initiative.

HAB’s mission is to “provide leadership and resources to advance HIV care and treatment to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities for people with HIV and affected communities.”  HAB’s vision is “optimal HIV care and treatment for all to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S.”

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides a comprehensive system of HIV primary medical care, medications, and essential support services for low-income people with HIV. The RWHAP funds grants to states, cities, counties, and local community-based organizations to provide care and treatment services to people with HIV.

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is divided into five Parts, following the authorizing legislation.

Part A funds medical and support services to Eligible Metropolitan Areas (EMAs) and Transitional Grant Areas (TGAs). EMAs and TGAs are cities/counties that are the most severely affected by the HIV epidemic.

Part B administers funds for states and territories to improve the quality, availability, and organization of HIV health care and support services. Recipients include all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and six U.S. Pacific territories/associated jurisdictions. In addition, Part B includes grants for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP).

Part C administers funds for local, community-based organizations to provide comprehensive primary HIV medical care and support services in an outpatient setting for people with HIV through Early Intervention Services program grants. Part C also funds Capacity Development grants, which help organizations more effectively deliver HIV care and services.

Part D administers funds for local, community-based organizations to provide outpatient, ambulatory, family-centered primary and specialty medical care for women, infants, children, and youth with HIV.

Part F funds support clinician training, technical assistance, and the development of innovative models of care to improve health outcomes and reduce HIV transmission. Part F programs include the AIDS Education and Training Centers, the Special Projects of National Significance, the Minority AIDS Initiative, and Dental Programs.

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