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Filing an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Complaint

At HRSA, employees, former employees, or job applicants who believe they have been subjected to discrimination have a right to file an EEO complaint. Under federal laws enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to protect against discrimination, an individual may assert a basis, or reason, they wish to bring forward a complaint under one or multiple of the protected groups listed below:

  • Age
  • Disability (mental, physical, or sensory)
  • Equal pay or compensation
  • Genetic information (including family medical history)
  • National origin
  • Pregnancy
  • Race or color
  • Religion or belief
  • Retaliation
  • Sex (including gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, or sexual stereotyping)

EEO Complaint Process

The EEO Complaint Process consists of three different stages.

Other Protections Offered Against Discrimination

At HRSA, we commit to ensuring a workplace free of discrimination and harassment based on:

  • Family or parental status
  • Marital (a civil union or domestic partnership status)
  • Past or present military service
  • Political affiliation

These protections extend to all personnel and employment programs, management practices, and decisions, including but not limited to:

  • Appraisal systems
  • Benefits
  • Merit promotions
  • Recruitment and hiring practices (including transfers and reassignments)
  • Training and career development programs
  • Separations

If you are alleging discrimination based on these bases, you may file a written complaint with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) at: 

U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC)
1730 M Street NW, Suite 218, Washington, DC 20036-4505

You may also visit the OSC website.

Class complaints information

Class complaints allow large numbers of affected individuals with a common characteristic, or characteristics, of race, color, sex (including transgender, sex stereotyping), religion, national origin, age, or disability, to challenge discriminatory agency policies and practices, to also include retaliation or reprisal. Class complaints, just as with individual complaints, begin by initiating the EEO Counseling process.

Filing as a Class Compliant: An individual becomes a class agent to represent everyone affected. They must start EEO Counseling within 45 days of the discriminatory action. A class action brought by a class agent includes all unnamed and unidentified persons who are members of the class and have been subject to the same discriminatory policies and practices.

Requirements for a Class Action:

  1. The class must be large with common issues.
  2. Claims must be similar for all class members.
  3. The identified class agent must fairly represent everyone's interests.
    1. Moving to certify a complaint as a class action can happen anytime during the process if class implications are clear.
    2. An EEOC Judge decides if a complaint qualifies as a class action.

The formal requirements for filing a class complaint are set forth at 29 C.F.R. § 1614.204(a), which states:

(2) A class complaint is a written complaint of discrimination filed on behalf of a class by the agent of the class alleging that:

  1. The class is so numerous that a consolidated complaint of the members of the class is impractical;
  2. There are questions of fact common to the class;
  3. The claims of the agent of the class are typical of the claims of the class;
  4. The agent of the class, or, if represented, the representative, will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class.

(3) An agent of the class is a class member who acts for the class during the processing of the class complaint.

Class actions consolidate efforts to address widespread discrimination and unjust policies.

Contact Us

Health Resources and Services Administration
Office of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Phone: 301-443-5636
Fax: 301-443-7898

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