The Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation (ACBSCT) advises and makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
We serve as a source of expert, unbiased analysis and recommendations based on the latest advances in blood stem cell transplantation.
We also advise on matters related to the activities of the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program and the National Cord Blood Inventory Program.
We meet up to three times a year to discuss blood stem cell transplantation. We send recommendations to the Secretary on such topics as:
- Size and composition of the adult donor pool available
- Requirements for informed consent for cord blood donation
- Accreditation requirements for cord blood banks
- Public and professional education to encourage the ethical recruitment of genetically diverse donors and ethical donation practices
- Program and research priorities
- Actions to increase donation and access to transplantation
- Research on emerging therapies using cells from bone marrow and cord blood
Contact us
Email Shelley Tims Grant, M.H.S.A., Designated Federal Officer
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