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  4. Table 6. CICP Claims Denied Compensation Because Required Medical Records Were Not Submitted (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025)

Table 6. CICP Claims Denied Compensation Because Required Medical Records Were Not Submitted (Fiscal Years 2010 – 2025)

Data as of December 1, 2024

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury for each CICP claim filed between Fiscal Years 2010 and 2025 that was denied compensation because the requester did not submit any required medical records, which may include not submitting any of the medical records specified in their Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Health Information Form(s) submitted to the Program. When this occurs, CICP staff notify the requester and provide them an opportunity to submit the appropriate medical records. However, if the appropriate medical records are not received, CICP staff are unable to conduct a medical review of the claim. If medical records documenting the alleged injury are received, the claim will proceed to a medical review even if incomplete after the requester has had an opportunity to submit the additional appropriate medical records.

Please note that the number column within the tables are not assigned numbers for a particular claim, but reflect the number of listed items in a given table. Further details concerning the table contents are provided below.

Number Alleged Countermeasure Alleged Injury
1 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylaxis
2 H1N1 vaccine Rash (arm/shoulder)
3 H1N1 vaccine Rash (Upper Torso/Scalp)
4 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
5 H1N1 vaccine Unknown
6 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
7 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
8 H1N1 vaccine Unknown
9 H1N1 vaccine Fever/ Difficulty Breathing
10 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylaxis
11 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
12 H1N1 vaccine Fever/Vomiting/Shortness of Breath
13 H1N1 vaccine GBS
14 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
15 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
16 H1N1 vaccine Polyarthritis
17 H1N1 vaccine Gastroenteritis
18 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
19 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
20 H1N1 vaccine Bell’s Palsy
21 H1N1 vaccine Weakness/ Elevated Blood Pressure
22 H1N1 vaccine Arm Pain
23 H1N1 vaccine Hematoma
24 H1N1 vaccine Rapid Heartbeat/ Dizziness
25 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
26 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
27 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
28 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
29 H1N1 vaccine Unknown
30 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
31 H1N1 vaccine Transverse Myelitis
32 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
33 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
34 H1N1 vaccine GBS
35 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
36 H1N1 vaccine Lymph Node Enlargement
37 H1N1 vaccine Myalgias
38 H1N1 vaccine Unknown
39 H1N1 vaccine Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
40 H1N1 vaccine Anaphylactic Shock
41 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
42 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
43 H1N1 vaccine Weakness/ Neurologic Issues
44 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
45 H1N1 vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear
46 H1N1 vaccine Numbness/ Swelling
47 H1N1 vaccine GBS
48 H1N1 vaccine Edema/ Itching/ Rash/ Skin Lesions/ Weight loss
49 H1N1 vaccine Autoimmune Encephalopathy
50 H1N1 vaccine Cyst
51 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
52 H1N1 vaccine Wheezing/ Fever
53 H1N1 vaccine Fever/ Headache/ Severe Pain
54 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
55 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
56 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
57 H1N1 vaccine Bell’s Palsy
58 H1N1 vaccine GBS
59 H1N1 vaccine Unknown
60 H1N1 vaccine GBS
61 H1N1 vaccine Obsessive Behavior/ Depression
62 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
63 H1N1 vaccine GBS
64 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
65 H1N1 vaccine Diabetes
66 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
67 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
68 H1N1 vaccine Pain at Injection Site
69 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
70 H1N1 vaccine Fatigue/ Spasms
71 H1N1 vaccine / Relenza / Tamiflu Severe Cough
72 H1N1 vaccine Pain/ Weakness
73 H1N1 vaccine Severe Cough
74 H1N1 vaccine Autoimmune Reaction
75 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
76 H1N1 vaccine Allergic Reaction
77 H1N1 vaccine Headaches/ Severe Pain
78 H1N1 vaccine Headaches/ Severe Pain
79 H1N1 vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy/ Paresthesia
80 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
81 H1N1 vaccine Pain/ Numbness
82 H1N1 vaccine Difficulty Breathing
83 H1N1 vaccine Rash
84 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
85 H1N1 vaccine Miscarriage
86 H1N1 vaccine Numbness/ Pain
87 H1N1 vaccine Unknown
88 H1N1 vaccine Viral Illness
89 H1N1 vaccine Pneumonia
90 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
91 H1N1 vaccine Hives
92 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Severe Pain
93 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Pain
94 H1N1 vaccine Heart Arrhythmia/ Syncope/ Seizures/ Stroke
95 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
96 H1N1 vaccine Polymyositis/ Fibromyalgia
97 H1N1 vaccine Breathing Issues
98 H1N1 vaccine Neurologic symptoms
99 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
100 H1N1 vaccine Pain/ Nausea/ Numbness
101 H1N1 vaccine GBS
102 H1N1 vaccine Neuropathy/Dizziness/Fatigue
103 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
104 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
105 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
106 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
107 H1N1 vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear/ Tendonitis/ Nerve Damage
108 H1N1 vaccine Flu Symptoms
109 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
110 H1N1 vaccine Death
111 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis
112 H1N1 vaccine Immobility/ Shoulder pain
113 H1N1 vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Raynaud's Syndrome
114 H1N1 vaccine Breathing Issues/ Coughing
115 H1N1 vaccine Pain at Injection Site
116 H1N1 vaccine Shoulder Pain/ Weakness
117 H1N1 vaccine Pain/ Spasms
118 H1N1 vaccine Numbness/ Soreness/ Spasms
119 H1N1 vaccine GBS
120 H1N1 vaccine Weakness/ Numbness
121 Anthrax vaccine GBS
122 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis/ Numbness/ Pain
123 H1N1 vaccine Paralysis/ Pain
124 H1N1 vaccine Chest Pain
125 H1N1 vaccine Bradycardia/ Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)/ Hypertension/ Headache
126 Smallpox vaccine GBS
127 Smallpox vaccine Myocarditis
128 Smallpox vaccine Pain / Allergic Reaction
129 Anthrax Vaccine Encephalitis/ Seizures
130 H1N1 vaccine Not Specified
131 Smallpox vaccine Allergic Reaction
132 Anthrax vaccine Allergic Reaction/ Nervous system Disorder/ Thyroid Cancer
133 H1N1 vaccine GBS/ Death
134 Anthrax vaccine Myocarditis
135 H7N9 Drug Trial Heart Palpitations
136 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Brain Fog / Pain / Weakness
137 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
138 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury
139 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
140 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
141 Not Specified Death
142 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot
143 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Shortness of Breath
144 Not Specified Death
145 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
146 COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Effusion
147 COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
148 COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy
149 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
150 Not Specified Death
151 COVID-19 Medications / Ventilator Death
152 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
153 COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis
154 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
155 COVID-19 Vaccine Cold Symptoms / Cough
156 COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Fever / Vomiting
157 COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia
158 COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Vertigo
159 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
160 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
161 COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss
162 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
163 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
164 COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Fever / Headache / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash
165 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
166 COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke
167 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
168 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
169 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
170 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Requester Submitted Injury
171 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
172 COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis
173 COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Depression / Headache / Rapid Heartbeat
174 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea
175 COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Dizziness
176 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
177 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
178 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
179 COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
180 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
181 Azithromycin Death
182 COVID-19 Vaccine Phantosmia
183 COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest
184 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Flu Like Symptoms
185 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
186 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
187 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
188 COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis
189 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
190 COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke
191 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
192 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
193 COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Vestibular Neuritis
194 COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Dizziness / Headache
195 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
196 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
197 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
198 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain
199 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
200 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
201 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock
202 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
203 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
204 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
205 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
206 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
207 COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Vomiting
208 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
209 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
210 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
211 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
212 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock
213 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction
214 COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Flu Like Symptoms / Pain / Soreness / Tingling
215 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Joint Pain
216 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting
217 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
218 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Numbness / Requester Submitted Injury / Shortness of Breath
219 COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia
220 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
221 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
222 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
223 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting
224 COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolus
225 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
226 COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss
227 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Lightheadedness / Nausea
228 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
229 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
230 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
231 COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes
232 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
233 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
234 COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues
235 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Enlarged Lymph Nodes
236 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
237 COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Seizures
238 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Syncope
239 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
240 COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath
241 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
242 COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Vertigo
243 COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain
244 COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest
245 COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Infection
246 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
247 COVID-19 Vaccine Costochondritis
248 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
249 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
250 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
251 COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis
252 COVID-19 Vaccine Cellulitis
253 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
254 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness
255 COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Miscarriage
256 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
257 COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia
258 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
259 COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA
260 COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
261 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
262 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
263 COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage
264 COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Thrombocytopenia
265 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury
266 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
267 COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Pulmonary Embolus
268 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath
269 COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis
270 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction
271 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
272 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
273 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
274 COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain
275 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
276 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
277 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
278 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
279 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain bleed / Death / Pneumonia
280 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
281 COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Appetite / Hair Loss / Hives / Insomnia / Loss of taste/smell / Shaking / Tachycardia
282 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
283 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
284 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
285 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure / Pain
286 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
287 COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Rash / Swelling
288 COVID-19 Vaccine Pain
289 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
290 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
291 COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction
292 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
293 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
294 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
295 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
296 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
297 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
298 COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain
299 COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures
300 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Burning / Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Difficulty Walking / Headache / Joint Stiffness / Loss of Smell / Nosebleed / Shoulder Pain
301 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot
302 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea
303 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
304 COVID-19 Vaccine Miscarriage
305 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Tachycardia
306 Not Specified Death
307 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain
308 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
309 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
310 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
311 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
312 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
313 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
314 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
315 COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Fatigue
316 COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Dizziness / Fatigue / Nausea
317 Not Specified Death
318 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
319 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
320 COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
321 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
322 COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombosis
323 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
324 COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Inflammation
325 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
326 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
327 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
328 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
329 COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia
330 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
331 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
332 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
333 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Pain
334 COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
335 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
336 COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Syncope
337 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
338 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
339 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Fainting
340 COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Injury
341 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
342 COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Shoulder Pain
343 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Loss Use of Arm
344 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
345 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
346 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
347 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
348 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
349 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
350 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
351 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
352 COVID-19 Vaccine Erythema
353 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
354 Azithromycin / Cefdinir / Ondansetron Death
355 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
356 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain
357 COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Palpitations / Vaccine Reaction
358 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
359 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
360 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
361 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
362 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
363 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
364 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
365 COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea
366 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
367 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot
368 COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Hearing Loss / Tinnitus
369 COVID-19 Vaccine Bundle Branch Block / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Rhabdomyolysis
370 Remdesivir Death
371 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
372 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
373 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
374 COVID-19 Vaccine Lesion / Rash / Swelling
375 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
376 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache
377 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
378 COVID-19 Vaccine Discoloration / Pain / Swelling
379 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Vaccine Reaction
380 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
381 COVID-19 Vaccine Graves Disease
382 COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Rapid Heartbeat
383 COVID-19 Vaccine Fever
384 COVID-19 Vaccine Aneurysm
385 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
386 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain
387 COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Vaccine Reaction
388 COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Vertigo
389 COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations
390 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
391 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
392 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Chest Pain / Numbness / Shortness of Breath
393 COVID-19 Vaccine Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
394 COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Paralysis
395 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
396 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache
397 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
398 COVID-19 Vaccine C Diff Infection / Pancolitis
399 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Injury
400 COVID-19 Vaccine Vocal Cord Dysfunction
401 COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia
402 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
403 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
404 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath
405 Not Specified Pain / Swelling
406 COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Welts
407 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blurred Vision / Numbness / Pain / Tingling
408 COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia
409 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
410 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
411 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
412 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
413 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
414 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot
415 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
416 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
417 COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Pain / Tachycardia
418 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
419 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
420 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
421 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
422 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction
423 COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis
424 COVID-19 Vaccine Hepatic Toxicity / Pericarditis / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
425 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction
426 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Palpitations / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Ulcerative Colitis
427 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
428 Mechanical Ventilator COVID-19 Infection
429 COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)
430 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
431 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
432 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
433 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
434 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
435 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
436 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
437 COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster/Shingles
438 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pneumonia
439 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
440 COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Migraine / Vertigo / Vision Issues
441 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
442 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
443 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury
444 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
445 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
446 COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues
447 COVID-19 Vaccine Stevens-Johnson
448 COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures
449 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
450 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath
451 COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Sleep Issue
452 COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia
453 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
454 COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Numbness
455 COVID-19 Vaccine Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS)
456 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
457 COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
458 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain
459 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
460 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
461 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
462 COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus
463 COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis
464 COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Issues
465 Not Specified Death
466 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
467 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness
468 COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath
469 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
470 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
471 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
472 COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Vaccine Reaction
473 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
474 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
475 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
476 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
477 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache
478 COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope
479 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
480 COVID-19 Vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
481 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot
482 COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Dizziness / Fracture
483 COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Failure / Rhabdomyolysis
484 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
485 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
486 COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis
487 COVID-19 Medications / Ventilator Death
488 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
489 COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Infection
490 Not Specified Death
491 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
492 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
493 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness
494 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
495 COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Syncope / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fatigue / Light Sensitivity
496 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocardial Infarction
497 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Heartburn / Tingling
498 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
499 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
500 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
501 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
502 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
503 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Arm Pain / Asthma / Blood Clot / Headache / Hives / Pain / Swelling
504 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
505 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Shortness of Breath
506 COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
507 COVID-19 Vaccine Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion (BRAO)
508 Ventilator Death
509 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
510 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
511 COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Hives / Itching / Tremors
512 COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster/Shingles
513 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
514 COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Shoulder Pain
515 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
516 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
517 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
518 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
519 COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis
520 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
521 COVID-19 Vaccine Hand Injury
522 Convalescent Plasma / Ventilator Death
523 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness
524 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Rapid Heartbeat
525 COVID-19 Vaccine Lip Swelling
526 COVID-19 Vaccine Coma
527 COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis
528 COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia
529 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Weakness
530 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
531 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
532 COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Fatigue / Low Blood Pressure / Migraine / Nausea / Vomiting
533 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cerebral Infarction Sequelae / Stroke
534 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
535 COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot
536 COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolus
537 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted
538 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath
539 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
540 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
541 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
542 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury
543 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
544 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
545 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
546 COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Cardiogenic Shock / Pericardial Effusion
547 Not Specified Death
548 COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Eye Injury
549 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
550 COVID-19 Vaccine Tuberous Sclerosis
551 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
552 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury
553 Not Specified Death
554 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
555 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
556 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache
557 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Fatigue / Mobility Issues / Speech Issues
558 COVID-19 Vaccine No Medical Diagnosis Provided
559 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
560 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
561 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Paralysis
562 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
563 COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA
564 COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Dizziness
565 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
566 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
567 COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
568 COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hepatitis
569 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis
570 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
571 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
572 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
573 COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
574 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
575 COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling
576 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
577 COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations
578 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
579 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
580 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
581 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
582 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
583 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
584 COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis
585 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
586 COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure Disorder
587 COVID-19 Vaccine Addison's Disease
588 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting
589 COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
590 COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes / Hives / Itching / Swelling
591 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
592 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
593 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury
594 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache
595 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
596 COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus
597 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
598 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
599 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
600 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
601 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
602 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
603 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Nausea / Rapid Heart Rate / Sweating
604 COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues
605 COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain
606 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
607 COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Tingling / Vaccine Reaction
608 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
609 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Palpitations
610 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
611 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
612 COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Nausea / Pain / Rash / Weakness
613 COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Fever
614 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Vomiting
615 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
616 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
617 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
618 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
619 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
620 COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Weight Loss
621 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain
622 COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolus
623 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
624 COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy
625 COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Tachycardia
626 COVID-19 Vaccine Hallux Rigidus (Stiff Big Toe)
627 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
628 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
629 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
630 COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Flu-Like Symptoms / Mouth Lesions / Thrush
631 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
632 COVID-19 Vaccine Deafness
633 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
634 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
635 COVID-19 Vaccine Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
636 COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis
637 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting
638 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
639 COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
640 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain
641 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Cyst / Inflammation / Mobility Issues / Rash / Weakness
642 COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock
643 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
644 COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding
645 COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Low Potassium / Muscle Aches / Swollen Eyes
646 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury
647 COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Flu Like Symptoms
648 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
649 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness
650 COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Shoulder Injury / Synovitis
651 COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis
652 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
653 COVID-19 Vaccine Rash
654 COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Bleeding
655 COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations
656 COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis
657 COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / SIRVA
658 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
659 COVID-19 Vaccine Subacromial Bursitis
660 COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Fever / Rapid Heartbeat / Vomiting
661 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
662 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
663 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache
664 COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath
665 COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Tinnitus
666 Convalescent Plasma Death
667 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
668 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
669 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
670 COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus
671 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
672 COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke
673 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Nerve Damage / Shoulder Pain
674 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
675 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Tachycardia
676 COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache
677 COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat
678 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
679 COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Fatigue
680 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
681 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
682 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
683 COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Swelling
684 COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction
685 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
686 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache
687 COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Headache / Memory Loss / Tinnitus / Vision Issues
688 COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cataracts / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Migraine / Muscle Spasm / Rapid Heartbeat / Requester Submitted Injury / Weakness
689 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
690 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
691 COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Inflammation / Insomnia
692 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
693 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
694 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
695 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
696 COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Nausea / Shortness of Breath
697 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury
698 COVID-19 Vaccine Drooping / Facial Paralysis
699 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
700 COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Dizziness / Headache / Joint Pain / Shortness of Breath
701 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
702 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
703 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
704 COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia
705 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
706 COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting
707 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
708 COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Vaccine Reaction
709 COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness
710 COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis
711 COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Numbness / Swelling
712 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
713 COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Neuritis
714 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
715 COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
716 COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis
717 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure
718 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
719 COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain
720 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
721 COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA
722 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain
723 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
724 COVID-19 Vaccine Death
725 COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain
726 COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
727 COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat
728 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
729 COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction
730 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Tinnitus
731 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
732 Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death
733 COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
734 COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss
735 COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified
736 COVID-19 Vaccine No Medical Diagnosis Provided
737 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache
738 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
739 COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Syncope / Tachycardia
740 Intubation Death
741 COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction
Date Last Reviewed: