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Emergency Preparedness

Disasters and public health emergencies can have a greater impact on medically vulnerable populations and rural and remote regions.

HRSA develops standard operating procedures and policies; assures that the agency and its stakeholders are integrated into Federal emergency preparedness, response, and recovery activities; and disseminates information to stakeholders.

Federal Financial Assistance in Declared Emergencies

HRSA community-based service delivery grantees located in presidentially-declared disaster areas may be eligible for Federal financial assistance.

HRSA recommends that grantees take advantage of local and state disaster assistance programs and assistance available through nongovernmental organizations and apply to Federal disaster assistance programs.

HRSA may have flexibility with regard to certain program policies, but the ability to provide financial assistance to grantees during disasters varies by program and may be limited. Grantees are advised to check with their project officer to determine any availability or flexibility in funding during emergencies.

Response and Recovery

A presidential Major Disaster Declaration puts into motion long-term Federal recovery programs, some of which are matched by state programs. FEMA disaster aid programs help public entities (public assistance) and disaster survivors (individual assistance), and help individuals and organizations minimize future risk (hazard mitigation).

Learn more: The Disaster Declaration Process(link is external) (FEMA)

Public Assistance

Non-profit organizations that own or operate facilities that are open to the general public and that provide outpatient medical services, such as HRSA community-based service delivery grantees, are eligible to apply for Federal disaster assistance under public assistance.

Learn more: Public Assistance: Local, State, Tribal and Private Non-Profit(link is external) (FEMA)

Individual Assistance

Grantee patients and staff can seek assistance from a Disaster Recovery Center, where disaster victims can meet with program representatives and get information about aid and the recovery process.

Find help: Disaster Recovery Center Locator(link is external) or phone 1-800-621-3362 (FEMA)

Hazard Mitigation

Disaster survivors and public entities, such as HRSA community-based service delivery grantees, can apply for assistance to make repairs and rebuild in ways that minimize the risks to life and property of future disasters.

Learn more: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program(link is external) (FEMA)

Small Business Loans

HRSA community-based service delivery grantees also may be eligible for low-interest physical disaster loans or economic injury disaster loans from the Small Business Administration.

Learn more: Disaster Loans(link is external) (SBA)

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