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Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program - TargetHIV

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-094
Dates to Apply: 11/15/2019 to 01/22/2020
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 07/01/2020
The purpose of TargetHIV is to serve RWHAP recipients, subrecipients, and HIV providers by providing readily accessible, up-to-date T/TA tools and resources through a web-based platform. In addition, TargetHIV includes a helpdesk offering online support ( The goal of TargetHIV is to provide a central, web-based location for products that address the T/TA needs of providers of HIV care and support services. There are five primary objectives to reach this goal: • Advertise and promote multimedia T/TA products. This includes, but is not limited to, webcasts, podcasts, and web-based learning modules developed by RWHAP funded T/TA programs. • Prepare, build, start, host, and update RWHAP recipient- and subrecipient-developed T/TA design content, forms, workflows, structures, and products, including (but not limited to) an anticipated HRSA HAB Recipient Online Compilation of Best Practice Strategies and Interventions, currently under development. This product will allow recipients, subrecipients, and other HIV providers access to a current and comprehensive set of evidence-informed interventions, evidence-based interventions, and emerging strategies and other T/TA products that can be modified for local use. • Provide a platform to examine the usefulness of current T/TA products for RWHAP recipients, including identifying the strengths and weaknesses of frequently used T/TA products, and identify T/TA needs. • Provide an online helpdesk to assist with the identification and dissemination of products and resources resulting from other RWHAP T/TA activities. • Support access to key resources on federal, state, local, and tribal issues related to the current and changing health care landscape for RWHAP recipients and subrecipients and people with HIV. HRSA-20-070 and HRSA-20-094 4 HRSA will charge the selected recipient under HRSA-20-094 with developing and delivering creative communication tools designed to facilitate information sharing, self-learning, and collaborative TA.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants are public and nonprofit entities, including institutions of higher education and academic health science centers. Faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes and tribal organizations are eligible to apply for these funds.

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Stacy Cohen

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