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  3. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part D Coordinated HIV Services and Access to Research for Women, Infants, Children, and Youth (WICY) Existing Geographic Service Areas

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part D Coordinated HIV Services and Access to Research for Women, Infants, Children, and Youth (WICY) Existing Geographic Service Areas

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-037
Dates to Apply: 11/01/2021 to 02/08/2022
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 08/01/2022
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part D Coordinated HIV Services and Access to Research for Women, Infants, Children, and Youth (WICY) Existing Geographic Service Areas. The purpose of this program is to provide family-centered care in the outpatient or ambulatory care setting to low income WICY with HIV. Under this announcement, applicants must propose to provide family-centered care in outpatient or ambulatory care settings to low income women (25 years and older) with HIV, infants (up to two years of age) exposed to or with HIV, children (ages 2 to 12) with HIV, and youth (ages 13 to 24) with HIV. RWHAP Part D funding is intended to improve access to family-centered HIV medical care through the provision of coordinated, comprehensive, and culturally and linguistically competent services directly, through contract, or through memoranda of understanding (MOU). This competition is open to current RWHAP Part D recipients and new organizations proposing to provide RWHAP Part D funded services in the geographic service areas listed in Appendix B. All applicants must demonstrate that they have the capacity to serve all eligible WICY populations with HIV in the proposed service area. New applicants must provide at least the same scope of comprehensive care and treatment services as the current RWHAP Part D recipient for the service area. Your application must address the entire service area, as defined in Appendix B. If you are applying for more than one service area listed in Appendix B, you must submit a separate application for each service area. All applicants who submit an application to provide RWHAP Part D services for one of the published service areas in Appendix B may also apply for up to $150,000 in FY 2022 for RWHAP Part D supplemental funding. The purpose of this one-year supplemental funding is to strengthen organizational infrastructure to respond to the changing health care landscape and to increase capacity to develop, enhance, or expand access to high quality family-centered care services for low income WICY with HIV in the service area. For the purpose of implementing programs funded by RWHAP Part D, HIV family-centered care refers to outpatient or ambulatory care, including behavioral health, nutrition, and oral health services. Specialty care refers to specialty HIV care and specialty medical care such as obstetrics and gynecology, hepatology, and neurology. Support services may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Family-centered care services, including case management, that address the health care needs of WICY with HIV in order to achieve optimal health outcomes. 2) Referrals for additional services including: a. referrals for inpatient hospital services, substance use disorder treatment, and mental health services; and b. referrals for other social and support services, as appropriate. 3) Additional services necessary to enable the patient and the family to participate in the established program, including services designed to recruit and retain youth with HIV. 4) The provision of information and education on opportunities to participate in HIV/AIDS-related clinical research. For additional information, please refer to Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) 16-02 for a list of RWHAP allowable services and use of funds. For more details, see Program Requirements and Expectations.

Who can apply

This competition is open to current RWHAP Part D grant recipients and new, eligible applicant organizations proposing to provide RWHAP Part D family-centered care in outpatient or ambulatory care settings to low income WICY with HIV in the entire service area as described in Appendix B. As identified in section 2671 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, eligible applicants include public and nonprofit private entities (including a health facility operated by or pursuant to a contract with the Indian Health Service, and faith-based and Tribes/Tribal organizations) that provide family-centered care involving outpatient or ambulatory care (directly or through contracts or MOUs) for WICY with HIV. All applicants must meet the basic requirements of a RWHAP Part D Program as outlined in this NOFO and as established in section 2671 of the PHS Act. All applicants must demonstrate need based upon epidemiologic data. All applicants may only submit applications that address the entire RWHAP Part D geographic service area(s) for which they are applying to as published in Appendix B.

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Lillian Bell, MPH

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