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Health Workforce Research Center Cooperative Agreement Program

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-054
Dates to Apply: 01/14/2022 to 04/14/2022
Bureau/Office: Bureau of Health Workforce
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 09/01/2022
The purpose of the HWRC Cooperative Agreement Program is to support and disseminate rigorous and state-of-the-art applied research that strengthens evidence-based policy and enhances the Federal Government’s and the public’s understanding of issues and trends in the health workforce. In this way, the HWRC projects inform health workforce planning and policy at all levels.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants for the HWRC Cooperative Agreement Program are a State, a State workforce investment board, a public health or health professions school, an academic health center, or an appropriate public or private nonprofit entity. Faith-based and community-based organizations are eligible to apply for these funds if otherwise eligible. Tribes and tribal organizations may apply for these funds, if otherwise eligible. Foreign entities are not eligible for this award.

Contact us

Dr. Yahtyng Sheu, PhD

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