This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network 3.0 (HV CoIIN 3.0).
The goal of this program is to disseminate and scale up2 the most effective practices and interventions identified under the Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN) 2.0 and to research the development of specific tools and resources to advance quality improvement practices within the MIECHV Program.3
The objectives of this program are to:
1) Plan, manage, and execute the scale up of interventions tested and found to be effective in HV CoIIN 2.0 to at least 30 state recipients and 300 local implementing agencies (LIAs).4 These interventions include strategies to alleviate maternal depression, support families impacted by Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), promote developmental screening and linkage to services, increase breastfeeding initiation and duration, complete age-appropriate well child care visits, improve the recruitment and retention of home visiting staff, and develop parent leadership within continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts;
2) Refine and test a new set of evidence-informed change strategies using accepted evaluation methodologies, such as rapid Plan-Do-Study-Act5 cycles, in alignment with best practices in home visiting implementation, emerging innovations, and the MIECHV Program performance measures6;
3) Further refine the health equity framework7 and parent leadership toolkit8 developed in HV CoIIN 2.0 and support the integration of the health equity and parent leadership in CQI principles across all HV CoIIN 3.0 scale up and new topic CQI activities; and
4) Assist MIECHV recipients and LIAs in building their capacity to use CQI as a tool for ongoing program monitoring and improvement, utilizing coaching and peer-to-peer learning networks to ensure sustainability.
Eligible applicants include public and private entities. Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are also eligible to apply.
Monique Fountain Hanna, MD, MPH, MBA