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  3. Rural Northern Border Region Healthcare Support Program

Rural Northern Border Region Healthcare Support Program

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-166
Dates to Apply: 05/20/2022 to 07/01/2022
Bureau/Office: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 09/30/2022
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Rural Northern Border Region Healthcare Support Program (RNBR-HSP). The purpose of this program is to provide technical assistance to rural communities in the region of the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) in their efforts to enhance access to health (including behavioral health); improve recruitment and retention of health care providers; and assist rural hospitals and clinics in their efforts to take part in health care value efforts. Under this cooperative agreement, the award recipient will work with at least one identified rural community in each state in the four-state NBRC service area annually to accomplish the following goals: • Provide technical assistance to the community in their identified area of need which may include: o Mental health/behavioral health/substance use; o Workforce recruitment and retention; o Assistance in value-based care efforts, o Assessing key needs; and o Developing a targeted assistance plan (using key partner subject matter experts) with specific strategies to address challenges including potential funding and other supporting activities • Provide other more general technical assistance resources to the broader eligible NBRC rural communities as practical within the budget. The RNBR-HSP award recipient will also work with HRSA and other Federal, state and private entities or organizations to identify resources that can address key areas of need for the NBRC communities receiving technical assistance.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants include domestic public or private, non-profit and for-profit entities. Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are also eligible to apply.

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Maribel Nunez

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