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  3. Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Overdose Response

Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Overdose Response

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-23-038
Dates to Apply: 10/21/2022 to 01/19/2023
Bureau/Office: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 09/01/2023
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Overdose Response program. The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) is a multi-year HRSA initiative aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality of substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in high-risk rural communities. This funding opportunity, RCORP-Overdose Response, will advance RCORP’s overall goal by supporting immediate responses to the opioid crisis in rural areas. Over the course of a one-year period of performance, RCORP-Overdose Response recipients will address immediate needs in rural areas through improving access to, capacity for, and sustainability of prevention, treatment, and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD). To achieve the purpose of the RCORP-Overdose Response program, applicants must select from a list of allowable activities. Please see Program Requirements and Expectations for additional information. Applicants are encouraged to give special consideration to the needs of rural populations that have historically suffered from poorer health outcomes or health disparities, as compared to the rest of the rural population. Examples of these rural populations include, but are not limited to: racial and ethnic minorities, people who are pregnant, adolescents and youth, LGBTQIA+ individuals, veterans, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants include all domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit entities, including community-based organizations, federally recognized tribes, tribal organizations, state, local and territorial governments, and institutions of higher education.

Contact us

Diana Wang
(301) 443-2302

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