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Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning and Resource Allocation Cooperative Agreement

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-23-054
Dates to Apply: 10/19/2022 to 01/19/2023
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 07/01/2023
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the fiscal year (FY) 2023 Ryan White HIV AIDS Program (RWHAP) Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning and Resource Allocation Cooperative Agreement. The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to provide tools, training and technical assistance (TA) to RWHAP Parts A and B recipients and their planning bodies. RWHAP Parts A and B recipients and planning bodies submit Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans/ Statewide Coordinated Statements of Need (SCSNs) to HRSA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in response to legislative and programmatic requirements. Recipients and planning bodies must use Integrated Plans/SCSNs to better inform and coordinate HIV prevention and care program planning, priority setting, resource allocation, and continuous quality improvement efforts to meet the HIV service delivery needs within their jurisdictions. The primary goals of this cooperative agreement is to provide technical assistance to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B recipients and their planning bodies regarding: 1) the integration of HIV planning across systems of HIV prevention and care within their jurisdictions; and 2) the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans (Integrated Plans), including Statewide Coordinated Statements of Need (SCSN), submitted to HRSA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in response to legislative and programmatic requirements This cooperative agreement will help ensure state and local health departments and planning bodies have the knowledge, skills, tools, and other materials to ensure meaningful, efficient, and collaborative integrated planning processes. The funded entity will work in collaboration with HRSA and CDC to accomplish the following key objectives: 1) Develop strategies, tools, training, and TA for RWHAP Part A and B recipients and planning bodies to support the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of Integrated Plans/SCSNs. a. Identify innovative approaches to providing effective targeted TA to select jurisdictions in need of additional instruction or support regarding integrated planning processes. b. Facilitate peer learning opportunities across RWHAP Part A and B recipients and planning bodies. c. Collaborate and engage with a broad spectrum of national organizations, including CDC’s Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) providers and programs, that have common interests and support state, territorial, and local health department integrated HIV programs, (e.g.: TA on engagement plan/protocol development, collaborative meetings/conference calls, development and distribution of informational materials, etc.) 2) Collaborate with CBA providers in TA to HRSA recipients and CDC grant recipients on relevant HIV prevention & care planning content areas, (e.g.: integrated planning, community engagement, etc.). 3) Support RWHAP Part A & B recipients and planning bodies in establishing effective integrated planning processes, maximizing collaboration within and across jurisdictions at a state or territory level, and obtaining meaningful community engagement. a. Help jurisdictions coordinate different HIV plans such as the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) and Getting to Zero and further the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS). b. Promote increased involvement from people with HIV, particularly from those communities most affected by HIV. 4) Establish measures and methods for obtaining feedback from RWHAP Parts A and B recipients and their planning bodies, evaluating the process and outcome of cooperative agreement activities, and using feedback and evaluation findings to improve future work. 5) Identify, describe, and disseminate through cooperative agreement activities required under this NOFO, the common challenges, successes, and promising or best practices among RWHAP Part A and B recipients and planning bodies in their integrated planning processes, and in their attainment of goals outlined in Integrated Plans/SCSNSCSNs.

Who can apply

Eligible organizations may include national organizations; state, territorial, local, and Indian tribal governments; institutions of higher education; other non-profit organizations (including faith-based, community-based, and tribal organizations); and academic health science centers. Applicants have the option to submit proposals with collaborating organizations if the partnership enhances the approach, capability and reach of the cooperative agreement.

Contact us

Susan Robilotto
(301) 443-6554

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