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Early Hearing Detection and Intervention National Network

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-24-035
Dates to Apply: 08/08/2023 to 11/06/2023
Bureau/Office: Maternal & Child Health Bureau
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 04/01/2024
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) National Network. The purpose of this program, which funds three national centers to conduct National Network and National Center activities, is to advance EHDI systems of services nationwide so that deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) newborns, infants, and young children up to age 3 receive appropriate supports and timely services to improve language acquisition outcomes. The three national centers are the Implementation and Change Center (ICC), the Family Leadership in Language and Learning Center (FL3), and the Provider Education Center (PEC).

Who can apply

You can apply if your organization is in the United States and is: • Public or private • Community-based • Tribal (governments, organizations, as those terms are defined at 25 U.S.C. § 450b) o Native American tribal governments (federally recognized) are eligible. o Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments) are eligible.

Contact us

Shelby Graves, MPH, CHES

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