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Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-25-054
Dates to Apply: 07/03/2024 to 10/01/2024
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 03/01/2025
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program. The purpose of this program is to provide direct financial assistance to an eligible metropolitan area (EMA) or transitional grant area (TGA) that has been severely affected by the HIV epidemic. Grant funds assist eligible jurisdictions to develop or enhance access to comprehensive, high quality, community-based care for people with HIV through the provision of grant funds. The goal is to provide optimal HIV care and treatment for people with HIV and improve their medical outcomes. RWHAP Part A recipients must use these funds to provide comprehensive primary health care and support services throughout the entire designated geographic service area. Your application must address the entire service area, as defined in Appendix B. Comprehensive HIV care consists of core medical services and support services that enable people with HIV to access and remain in HIV primary medical care to improve their health outcomes. Based on an annual assessment of the services and gaps in the HIV care continuum within a jurisdiction, HIV Planning Councils/Planning Bodies (PCs/PBs) and RWHAP recipients identify specific service categories to fund. Activities in each funded service category should lead to improvements in HIV care continuum outcomes. RWHAP Part A EMAs and TGAs must use grant funds to support, further develop, and/or expand systems of care to meet the needs of people with HIV within the EMA/TGA and strengthen strategies to reach disproportionately impacted subpopulations. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) requires EMAs/TGAs to collect and analyze data to identify needs, set priorities, make allocations, and validate the use of RWHAP funding. Your application should describe how you have used data to develop and enhance the system of care in your jurisdiction. HRSA encourages innovation and collaboration with other agencies and organizations to maximize impact on health outcomes and effectively meet the needs of people with HIV within the EMA/TGA. For more details, see Program Requirements and Expectations.

Who can apply

RWHAP Part A recipients that are classified as an EMA or as a TGA and continue to meet the status as an eligible area as defined in the statute are eligible to apply for these funds. Eligibility for RWHAP Part A grants is based in part on the number of confirmed AIDS cases within a statutorily specified “metropolitan area.” The Secretary uses the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) census-based definitions of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) in determining the geographic boundaries of a RWHAP metropolitan area. HHS utilizes the OMB geographic boundaries that were in effect when a jurisdiction was initially funded under RWHAP Part A. For all newly eligible areas, the boundaries are based on current OMB MSA boundary definitions. EMA Status: EMAs must have more than 2,000 cases of AIDS reported and confirmed during the most recent five calendar years, and have a population of at least 50,000. For three consecutive years, the recipients must not have fallen below the required incidence levels already specified and required prevalence level of 3,000 living cases of AIDS. TGA Status: TGAs must have at least 1,000, but fewer than 2,000 cases of AIDS reported and confirmed during the most recent five calendar years for which such data are available and have a population of at least 50,000. For three consecutive years, recipients must not have fallen below both the required incidence levels already specified and required prevalence level of 1,500 or more living cases of AIDS. For a TGA with five percent or less of the total amount from grants awarded to the area under Part A unobligated, as of the end of the most recent FY, the required prevalence is at least 1,400 (and fewer than 1,500) living cases of AIDS. This competition is open to eligible Part A jurisdictions to provide comprehensive primary health care and support services for people with HIV in their service areas as listed in Appendix B. The supplemental portion of the award is open to all eligible Part A jurisdictions that did not have an unobligated balance of greater than five percent in a previous fiscal year, which will be determined annually and communicated to applicable recipients. Native American tribal governments and tribal organizations are not eligible.

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