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  2. RCORP-Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Expansion

RCORP-Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Expansion

Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP)-Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Expansion helps rural tribal organizations start or increase the use of medication-assisted treatment.

How much funding do grantees receive?

The project lasts three years. And each year, grantees have up to $725,000. They use it to:

  • Provide MAT and other services
  • Plan how to continue services after federal funding ends

Can I apply for funding?

This program is not accepting applications.

Where can I find help?

Application FAQs (PDF - 651 KB)

Who are the previous grantees?

2019 Rural Communities Opioid Response Program - MAT Expansion Awards

How can I contact you?

Please contact us by email at

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