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  2. Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation Program Funding Distribution

Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation Program Funding Distribution

In July 2021, HRSA awarded Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation Program funding to existing SHIP grantees. HRSA issued a total of $398 million to 1,540 hospitals and allocated funds to states based on the number of eligible rural hospitals participating in SHIP, providing states with $258,376 per hospital.

State Number of Hospitals Award Amount
Alabama 40 $10,335,040
Alaska 16 $4,134,016
Arizona 16 $4,134,016
Arkansas 35 $9,043,160
California 46 $11,885,296
Colorado 32 $8,268,032
Florida 14 $3,617,264
Georgia 52 $13,435,552
Hawaii 10 $2,583,760
Idaho 23 $5,942,648
Illinois 61 $15,760,936
Indiana 40 $10,335,040
Iowa 68 $17,569,568
Kansas 91 $23,512,216
Kentucky 47 $12,143,672
Louisiana 40 $10,335,040
Maine 18 $4,650,768
Maryland 1 $258,376
Massachusetts 6 $1,550,256
Michigan 51 $13,177,176
Minnesota 76 $19,636,576
Mississippi 50 $12,918,800
Missouri 32 $8,268,032
Montana 45 $11,626,920
Nebraska 36 $9,301,536
Nevada 13 $3,358,888
New Hampshire 12 $3,100,512
New Mexico 12 $3,100,512
New York 22 $5,684,272
North Carolina 19 $4,909,144
North Dakota 26 $6,717,776
Ohio 32 $8,268,032
Oklahoma 35 $9,043,160
Oregon 32 $8,268,032
Pennsylvania 25 $6,459,400
South Carolina 11 $2,842,136
South Dakota 34 $8,784,784
Tennessee 21 $5,425,896
Texas 115 $29,713,240
Utah 17 $4,392,392
Vermont 8 $2,067,008
Virginia 20 $5,167,520
Washington 45 $11,626,920
West Virginia 21 $5,425,896
Wisconsin 56 $14,469,056
Wyoming 18 $4,650,768
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