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  2. FAQs: HRSA-21-108 EMSC State Partnership Rural Expansion Program

FAQs: HRSA-21-108 EMSC State Partnership Rural Expansion Program

  1. If an applicant had an unobligated balance over 45 percent of the base award in only one of the years listed in the “Other Considerations” section (Page 15 of the NOFO), are they still considered eligible?

    Yes, they will still be considered eligible. HRSA considers any applicant having a history of both of the following to be “nonresponsive” and will not consider it for funding under this notice when there is:

    1. An unobligated balance over 45 percent of the base award in both FY2018 and FY2019
    2. An offset in FY2021 

    Please contact the Federal project officer noted in Section VI. Agency Contacts for more information.

  2. What is an offset?

    An offset is an unobligated balance of funds that were not carried over two years prior. These funds are automatically carried over within two years. Offsets authorize prior-year unobligated funds to be used in combination with current year funds to comprise the total authorized current year award amount.

    You can access more details on the Notice of Award (NOA) and offset if necessary.

  3. Is the project period a single year?

    Yes, the project period is considered a single year. The project period is aligned with the base award State Partnership project period, which is April 1, 2021- March 31st, 2022. 

  4. Since the project performance period has a start date of April 1, 2021, but the Notice of Award (NOA) will be issued after that date, how do we write a retroactive work plan?

    Because this is supplemental funding, the project period aligns with the State Partnership base-award performance period, which has an end date of March 31, 2022. Applicants should write their work plan to begin on September 1, 2021, and conclude on April 31, 2022. If project work is not completed by the end of the project period (April 31, 2022), qualified recipients will have the opportunity to request a carryover of unobligated funds to the next grant cycle beginning on April 1, 2022.

    HRSA will issue NOAs before September 30, 2021.

  5. Can a state that currently does not have a medical recognition program apply?

    Yes, eligible applicants are defined as current recipients of EMSC State Partnership base funds that received an initial award under the HRSA-18-063 EMSC State Partnership Program.

  6. Can we still focus on EMSC Performance Measure 04?

    Yes, all eligible applicants may select objectives related to the following EMSC State Partnership Program performance measure priorities: 

    • Objective 1: Increase the number of hospitals in rural, remote and/or tribal communities that are recognized by a state, regional, or territorial pediatric medical recognition program (supports HRSA performance measure EMSC 04).
    • Objective 2: Increase the number of pediatric emergency care coordinators in rural, remote, and/or tribal EMS agencies (supports HRSA performance measures EMSC 02).
  7. Can State Partnership programs work together for a single application for something like a regional award?

    Yes. The EMSC program recognizes the importance of regional work to expand care to rural and remote areas. The NOFO does not rule out collaborative efforts. However, each supplemental grant will be awarded to one eligible entity currently funded under HRSA-18-063 EMSC State Partnership Program.

  8. Is there carryover capacity if the awarded amount is not spent in the allotted time?

    Yes, if awarded, you will have the opportunity to carryover unspent funds per grant policy.

  9. Will there be any future funding that will extend this?

    As of right now, we cannot speak to future funding. This current funding is a one-time opportunity for supplemental funds up to $200,000 to expand on EMSC State Partnership priorities listed in the NOFO.

  10. Can these funds be used for activities that were not in the original State Partnership grant application?

    Yes. In your application, you will propose methods that you will use to address the stated needs and meet each of the program requirements and expectations in the NOFO.

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