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  2. FAQs: Global Reach II Notification of Funding Opportunity (HRSA-21-144)

FAQs: Global Reach II Notification of Funding Opportunity (HRSA-21-144)

  1. Sierra Leone seems to have been removed from this list of PEPFAR/HRSA supported countries between the issue and the re-issue of the RFA. Should applicants refrain from including Sierra Leone in their proposals?

    Yes, they can submit for Sierra Leone. The list is illustrative and not exhaustive.

  2. The NOFO says one can budget up to the ceiling of $20 million, but that two awards are likely to be made. Thus, should the budget be up to a ceiling of $10 million?

    Budget for each organization is up to $20million.

  3. Are you planning to have more than one mechanism in a country? For e.g. if there is a HIV Capacity Building mechanism already in Jamaica, would you still approve a direct service delivery mechanism in that country?

    Yes. This NOFO can have up to two cooperative agreements.

  4. In your response to question one (1), you mentioned that the list of countries in the NOFO is illustrative, but not exhaustive. However, it is not clear if HRSA has guidance on the expected number of countries that should be included other than that they should be PEPFAR priority countries at different stages along the HIV continuum.

    That will depend on the needs of the OU.

  5. The proposal schedule you have set is quite ambitious. Will you consider extending the submission deadline?

    The deadline is fixed and will not be extended.

  6. Both a Project Director and Program Director are referenced. Are they the same position, or are they different?

    For the purposes of this NOFO, they are deemed the same.

  7. In the 4th paragraph on page 22 of the NOFO, that begins with “Note…” the phrase “Management and Staffing Plan” seems out of place. Should the Management and Staffing Plan be its own heading, or does it fall under the Organizational Information heading?

    Management and Planning should have been its own heading.

  8. Can HRSA confirm if non-profit status confirmation is required to be uploaded as an attachment? If, it is, please confirm it will not count against the page limit.

    Yes – nonprofit status should be uploaded as an attachment and does not count towards the page limit. This information is included in the NOFO.

  9. Can HRSA confirm that applicants should submit a budget for the full 5 year period of performance with a total ceiling of up to $100M?

    That is correct. For each year, the ceiling is $20m and over a five (5) year period of performance will be $100m.

  10. Can a 'sub' apply under more than one principal applicant?

    Yes – a sub can apply under more than one (1) principal applicant.

  11. So in other words, the applicant should address briefly that all countries in which HRSA is active should be addressed in the proposal but that the choice of 3 countries to choose from the list is just to provide HRSA with an example of how the applicant would deal with the response in each of those settings?


  12. Regarding Attachment 8- should it be the NICRA or Non-Profit Status? I believe the PPT stated that the NICRA should be #8, but I believe I just heard Non Profit status should be #8.

    Both of them can be uploaded, if applicable, and does not count towards the page limit.

  13. Can you explain how this application will be different from the Global Reach I application?

    This is essentially a repost of Global Reach 1 with additional information on program requirements and expectations that align with PEPFAR goals.

  14. I would like to know if applications for the grant should be focused on a single country or more than one within the specified LMICs within the NOFO and if single or multiple, how should it affect the budget?

    Per the NOFO, please select three LMIC and discuss context and specific needs of each. The budget should consider all three countries being proposed.

  15. I’m inquiring about the HRSA Global Reach II Pre-Application Technical Assistance Webinar that occurred on June 30th. I haven’t seen the FAQs posted on or on within the HRSA site, and want to confirm if they have been released yet. If not, is there a date by which we should except to see them?

    HRSA is going through the internal process to post the webinar information for Global Reach II. This information will be posted no later than the week of July 12th.

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