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  2. FAQ: Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (HRSA-22-069)

FAQ: Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (HRSA-22-069)

Application Length & Attachments

For attachment 4 (Letters of Agreements, MOUs, etc.), can we include a list of partners that provided letters but not include all actual letters since we only have 50 pages total for our application?

HRSA understands that Memos of Understanding/Agreement (MOU/As) can be very lengthy. HRSA recommends including a list of your current MOU/As and your key letters of support, rather than the full MOU/A for each partnership.

In Attachment 7 (p. 18) of the NOFO, is the budget form counted towards the page limit?

For the budget attachments, please look at the application’s SF-424 Application Guide (PDF - 663 KB). This guide includes recommendations for formatting and other key items. These are all included in the application guide. The budget form does not count toward the page limit, but budget narratives do count towards the page limit.

Should we treat Attachment 8 like a progress report that can be no more than 50 pages?

The application can be no longer than 50 pages. This does include some of the attachments. Attachments that count toward the page limit include Attachments 1-15 (p. 38-39 in the SF-424 Application Guide (PDF - 663 KB)).


Is there a set budget for the program? does not provide an award ceiling or an award floor.

You may apply for a ceiling amount of up to $96,750 total cost per year (includes both direct, and indirect, facilities, and administrative costs). (See p. 5 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB)).

Are you looking for a separate budget line for time spent on evaluation activities?

HRSA does not require a separate budget line item for time spent on evaluation activities. Evaluation Activities: Data collection activities and procedures required by the award recipient’s evaluation should be accounted for and included within the scope of the budget (e.g., baseline and period data collection per award year). (See p. 17 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB)).

Is there an admission cost for the yearly Technical Assistance Meeting in Washington, D.C.?

The typical registration cost for the annual Technical Assistance Meeting is $200-300 dollars. Award-related Meetings: You should include sufficient funding to support one (1) F2F HIC staff to attend a yearly technical assistance meeting and participation in monthly/quarterly conference calls. (See p. 17 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB)).

Please see the following comments on preparing the budget portion of your application: For the budget attachments, please look at the application’s SF-424 Application guide (PDF - 663 KB). This guide includes recommendations for formatting and other key items. These are all included in the application guide. The budget form does not count toward the page limit, but budget narratives do count toward the page limit.

Partnership & Letters of Support

Could you provide more information about the preference for a member of the Tribal Chairman/Governor’s Office to be included in the staffing plan? Specifically, how could this preference be addressed if a tribal health care organization is applying?

The inclusion of a member of the Tribal Chairman/Governor’s Office in the organization’s staffing plan is a preference and not a requirement. The expectation is that there will be existing professional working relationships, knowledge of tribes, etc. Please see the following NOFO language on collaboration:

  • “Identify meaningful support and collaboration with key stakeholders in planning designing, and implementing all activities including development of the proposal, as well as the extent to which these contributors reflect the cultural, racial, linguistic, and geographic diversity of the populations and communities served." (p. 22 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))
  • “Implement a plan for promoting the F2F HICs as a resource to serve families in the state/territory/tribe. This activity could be addressed through partnerships with health clinics, mental and behavioral health groups, providers, community groups and others." (p. 23 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))
  • “It is expected that you will clearly demonstrate knowledge of working with tribes, knowledge and understanding of tribal leadership and governance systems, and have existing professional working relationships with the tribe(s) with whom you intend to work. In addition, HRSA prefers that the staffing plan include representation from both the community and the Tribal Chairman/Governor’s office." (p. 8 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))

We typically upload letters of AGREEMENT (LOAs) as Attachment 4 whereas letters of SUPPORT (LOSs) we upload as Attachment 9-15 and might be from public officials who are not committing service but rather simply stating support of the proposal. Is that acceptable? Can you explain what is meant by “specifically indicate a commitment to the project” for letters of support – p. 19?

For all letters of support, the reviewers must be able to deduce the level of the support provided and it should include information that describes the commitment of the partner to the project (e.g., time, activities, training, etc.).

Reporting Requirements

Baselines: If you are a continuous applicant and you set numbers for Year 4 of the current funding cycle but exceeded your numbers, do you use the actual numbers as your Baseline for Year 1 for the new cycle or the numbers proposed for Year 4? And is the 10% increase from baseline and annual requirement?

Current grantees would use the actual numbers served in Year 4 of the current funding cycle as their future baseline. The 10% increase from baseline is for the full five year period of the award, ending in May 2027. This is not an annual requirement.

Does the diversity impact statement and inclusion plan need to be part of the application or is a grant deliverable?

The diversity impact statement is required to be included within the Diversity and Inclusion Plan. This a grant deliverable after award. It is not a requirement of the application itself.

The application requires a plan to approach the Diversity and Inclusion Plan, but not the plan itself. The NOFO states, Develop a Diversity and Inclusion Plan that addresses inclusion of underrepresented populations (e.g., rural, urban, race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, socioeconomic status) in family engagement activities such as training and leadership development across the state/jurisdiction. Applicants are expected to develop a disparity impact statement within this plan using local data (e.g., the CDC Social Vulnerability Index (SVI)(link is external)) to identify populations at highest risk for health disparities and low health literacy. The disparity impact statement will provide the framework for ongoing monitoring and determining the impact of the Family-to-Family Health Information Center. Below are available HHS resources:

Can you clarify the time period those who currently hold F2F funding are to report on for the progress report section of the application?

“The progress report should be a brief presentation of the accomplishments, in relationship to the objectives of the program during the current period of performance. The report should include:

  • The period covered (June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2022)
  • Specific objectives-Briefly summarize the specific objectives of the project
  • Results-Describe the program activities conducted for each objective. Include both positive and negative results or technical problems that may be important." (p. 18 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))

Is the progress report a narrative document or online form that is in EHB? In the past, we have submitted our progress/accomplishment report in a table, rather than narrative form. Is that format still acceptable?

This is a narrative document. It is acceptable to submit progress/accomplishment details in a table, rather than narrative form.

Is there a list of data you wish for the F2Fs to collect? Where is the DGIS link for the data?

Please see Section 3, “Reporting” (p. 29 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB)). This section includes a link to DGIS and has information about the data the F2Fs are required to collect.

If you are having trouble accessing the link, please check the browser you are using to access the webpage. You can also access the DGIS link (DOCX - 90 KB).

Staffing (Families and Professionals)

Does the hiring of family members need to be immediate or can it be progressive, allowing the program to build the competency of staff, if needed?

The NOFO states, “The project is staffed/run by CYSHCN families who have expertise in federal and state/territory/tribal public and private health care systems, and by health professionals.” (p. 24 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))

Can you explain what types of health professionals you are looking for us to employ?

“Health professional” is broadly defined and could include anyone who is trained to work in a health or health-related field.

Organizations do not need to demonstrate FTE in their budget for health professionals, but do need to demonstrate how they can access expertise of health professionals through established mechanisms and partnerships to support families of CYSHCN.

Target & Service Areas

Can you please clarify regarding the target areas: an applicant must serve the FULL target area they proposed? For example, if they choose New York State as the target area, the applicant must serve the entire state?

Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they will serve the full target area. Please see the following language from the NOFO, “You can only apply to one of the target areas described in Program-Specific Instructions: (1) states, (2) U.S. territories, or (3) American Indians/Alaska Natives. The application must clearly identify the target area. No more than one award will be made to conduct activities in a state, the District of Columbia, U.S. territory, or tribe." (p. 8 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))

The target areas are specific to state or tribal health. In a state as small as WY, would collaborating with tribal health be possible?

HRSA encourages collaboration with other F2F Health Information Centers and other partners. Please see the NOFO language on collaboration, “Identify meaningful support and collaboration with key stakeholders in planning designing, and implementing all activities including development of the proposal, as well as the extent to which these contributors reflect the cultural, racial, linguistic, and geographic diversity of the populations and communities served." (p. 22 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))

Are contracts for the entire state or areas in a state i.e., specific cities?

This is a grant award and not a contract. Applicants are required to specify the state, territory, or Tribal entity.

Could you say a little more about the definition of "successful health care models for CYSHCN"? Or give an example of what is meant?

Please see the following resources that have examples of successful health care models:

Can you provide the contact information for

Please see the information provided on p. 20 of the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB).

What is the definition of co-producers as noted on page 14 of the NOFO?

Please see the following resources that discuss co-production of health care:

Co-production in health care: rhetoric and practice(link is external)
Vennik et al. (2016) Co-production in healthcare: rhetoric and practice. International Review of Administrative Sciences. Vol 82 (I) 150-168: 10.1177/0020852315570553

The co-production of what? Knowledge, values and social relations in health care(link is external)
Filipe A, Renedo A, Marston C (2017) The co-production of what? Knowledge, values, and social relations in health care. PLoS Biol 15(5): e2001403.

The Organizational Information section of the Project narrative requires us to illustrate how the program meets the statutory requirement of being staffed by families who have expertise in federal and state public and private health care systems … and to include a Memo of Agreement/Understanding (MOA/U) between the organization and these staff. Our project is staffed by parents of CSHCN who are also employees of our organization. Is an MOA between our organizations on those employees necessary in that case?

  • Organizations that are family-run do not need an MOA between the organization and existing staff members.
  • Please see the following language from the NOFO, “If an applicant is a university or other type of organization, family staff must have equal decision-making authority for the F2F HICs project. Include a memorandum of agreement/understanding between your organization and the staff in Attachment 4 of the application.” (p. 15 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))
  • “Provide any documents that describe working relationships between your organization and other entities and programs cited in the proposal. Documents that confirm actual or pending contractual or other agreements should clearly describe the roles of the contractors and any deliverable. Make sure any letters of agreement are signed and date.” (p. 18 in the NOFO (PDF - 502 KB))
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