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  2. FAQs: HRSA Global Reach Ι (HRSA-21-066)

FAQs: HRSA Global Reach Ι (HRSA-21-066)

Below are questions and answers from the March 23, 2021 Pre-application Webinar. HRSA will update this document to add answers to any additional questions submitted since the webinar, with answers provided here alone for access by all applicants. 

HRSA recommends that you check this webpage periodically during the application period to check for any additional information.

  1. Do I understand correctly that activities under this RFA will likely be targeted in Sierra Leone and Liberia?

    Sierra Leone and Liberia will almost certainly be supported under this RFA as well as any additional PEPFAR countries that chose to administer activities through HRSA as part of the on-going FY22 planning and reporting cycle (COP21).  

  2. Is it desirable that applicants engage more than one country? Liberia + Sierra Leone for example?

    HRSA will make one or two awards under this announcement. If HRSA makes a single award, the recipient will be required to support activities in any countries that seek to administer activities through this mechanism. If HRSA makes two awards, HRSA will develop a process to allocate country-level activities among recipients.   

  3. Thank you for clarifying the three country criteria. So base best practices and programs that have been cited in at least three counties?

    Yes. See below from page 18 of the announcement:

    Select three PEPFAR-supported LMICs and discuss the context and specific needs of each. Consider including OUs at various stages of epidemic control (low coverage, improving coverage, approaching epidemic control) to differentiate the unique needs and opportunities of each. Sierra Leone and Liberia are proposed for inclusion under Methodology below and one or both can be included here if desired.

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