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FAQs: Screening & Interventions for Adverse Childhood Experiences in Primary Care Settings

Potential applicants may access the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), and view a recording of the technical assistance webinar on this held on April 13, 2021.

  1. Regarding project abstracts, should applicants follow the “Current Instructions” or “Instructions Effective April 22”?

    Applicants must provide a summary of the application on the website in the Application for Federal Assistance fillable form with yellow highlights. The abstract must be uploaded on the second page of Application Guide, SF-424 - Box 15, per the Attachment button. If the applicant is not able to see an area to input any requested “project abstract data,” there should be ample space and opportunities within the application as a whole to articulate specific information. Should an applicant incorporate the information in a different area of the application, points will not be deducted; only the lack of required data, or the measure of its quality, will generate a reduced score.

  2. Is there only one award nationwide? Is there more than one recipient?

    One award will be made to one recipient.

  3. Can applicants submit their biosketches using their own format?

    Yes. A single person’s biosketch may not exceed 2 pages. 

  4. What is the definition being used for primary care? Would school nursing be considered primary care? If the proposed project is based in primary care but includes home visiting, is that OK?

    Primary care, as defined by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, is a basic level of care usually given by doctors who work with general and family medicine, internal medicine (internists), pregnant women (obstetricians), and children (pediatricians). A nurse practitioner, a State licensed registered nurse with special training, can also provide this basic level of health care. The study must be based in a place that mainly provides primary care AND/OR by providers whose main responsibility is to provide primary care.

  5. If primary care clinics are operational but not yet implementing a standardized trauma-focused intervention could the demonstration project implement new or enhanced screening or intervention practices?

    No. The proposed project must focus on integrated models already in operation.

  6. Could applicants propose including a program that is aligned with trauma-informed practices or should it be a trauma-informed practice?

    The NOFO does not stipulate the degree to which participating practices/clinics are trauma-informed.

  7. Is there a targeted or estimated number of practices or sites desired as part of the demonstration? Is there a focus on conducting this study in more than one state? Would a statewide scope versus national be responsive if the diversity of practices is met?

     There is no preference or requirement to the number, size, geographic location, or where the demonstration project is situated within a health care setting.

  8. Are other trauma inquiry activities allowable outside of universal screening for ACEs, such as screening for trauma histories and traumatic stress symptoms or identifying ACE-related conditions (e.g., depression, suicidal ideation, asthma, obesity, school problems, etc.)?

    It is a judgment call of applicants to determine whether their proposed project meets the expectations of the NOFO and the legislative requirements described in the Explanatory Statement for the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, and the related House Report.

  9. How intensively research-focused are you expecting demonstration projects to be, meaning are randomized control trials expected?

    The applicant determines the best methods. It is possible to use comparison groups as a method. 

  10. Since HRSA staff are cited as assisting in the evaluation, are they available for planning the evaluation before submission?

    HRSA staff are available to provide technical assistance to applicants related to the NOFO but are otherwise unable to provide support in planning the application.

  11. Application instructions state that all products developed must be made available for free to the public. Does this apply to technology/software that is developed with partial funding from this project? Can recipients maintain copyrights to software?

    For the purposes of this cooperative agreement, such products would include the scalable model, as described in the Purpose section on page 1 of the NOFO, and any other products related to the model that are developed under the auspices of this project. Examples of such products are described on page 9 of the NOFO and include but are not limited to manuscripts; written, audio, or video summaries of the model; continuing educational materials; plans, and protocols related to the model.

  12. Will HRSA define the parameters/variables of the data collection system to meet the needs of the congressional report, or will this system be investigator-directed?

    The award recipient must report back on the

    • Number of models tested
    • Number and characteristics of providers/practices/clinics enrolled in the demonstration
    • Number and demographics of patients included in the demonstration
    • Any other variables that can feasibly be measured to accomplish the expectations of the NOFO (e.g., number of ACEs screenings performed; percentage of patients screened; number of referrals made; changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of providers, children, and caregivers)
  13. Should the focus of this project be more on implementation strategies or should there be a specific research component included in the project?

    Applicants should refer to the Explanatory Statement for the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, and the related House Report for the purpose and focus of the study.

  14. Can the intervention/ACE screening focus on parents (adults) with ACE (i.e. trauma-informed parenting program) and looking at the impact on children and adolescents?

    Yes. The NOFO does not limit the study to any particular population within pediatric primary care settings.

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