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  2. Notice of Award Page 1 Data Elements and Definitions

Notice of Award Page 1 Data Elements and Definitions

1. Recipient Name

A name of the applicant, grant/award recipient, or other [recipient] that relates to the [recipient] legal entity unique identifier as resolved per entity validation. For U.S. based companies, this name is what the business ordinarily files in formation documents with individual states (when required).


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityName)

Implementing Guidance

This information must align with the information listed in

Address Line 1

A first line of the street address of the [recipient's legal entity] business address.

Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityAddressLine1Text)

Address Line 2

A second line of the street address of the [recipient's legal entity] business address.

Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityAddressLine2Text)

City, State, Zip XXXXX-XXXX

  • A city of the address for the [recipient's legal entity] business address.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityCityName)
  • A code denoting a state or foreign province portion of postal address for [recipient's legal entity] location.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityStateOrProvinceCode)
  •  A zip or postal code of the address of the [recipient's] legal business address.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityZipPostalCode)

2. Congressional District of Recipient

The congressional district in which the awardee or recipient is located. This is not a required data element for non-U.S. addresses.


DAIMS v2.0

Implementing Guidance

DATA Act Information Model Schema (DAIMS) v2.0 definitions are subject to change.

3. Payment System Identifier (ID)

The award recipient's payment system user identifier (ID) required to access the respective federal financial assistance payment system account associated with the federal financial assistance award.


CDER, Augmented by RGM, Sprint Team and DGPOE

4. Employer Identification Number (EIN)

A unique identifier denoting the Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the award applicant or award recipient that is a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify the tax accounts of employers and certain others. The number is used to identify taxpayers that are required to file various business tax returns.


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityEmployerIdentificationNum berID)

5. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)

The unique entity identifier required for SAM registration to uniquely identify business entities. (Previously was the Dun & Bradstreet DUNS Number)


In 2016, the government revised both the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2CFR) to remove any proprietary references to D&B and the DUNS® number as the unique entity identifier.

This allowed the government to decouple the required unique identifier from the supporting entity validation services.


2 CFR 25.315, and Appendix A to Part 25, I.C.2.

6. Recipient's Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)

A unique identification number for a [recipient] involved in the grants management process assigned during the entity validation process.


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityUniqueID)

7. Program Director or Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator/Program Director (PI/PD) means the individual(s) designated by the recipient to direct the project or program being supported by the grant.

The PI/PD is responsible and accountable to officials of the recipient organization for the proper conduct of the project, program, or activity.


45 CFR 75.2

8. Authorized Official

The designated representative of the applicant/recipient organization with authority to act on the organization’s behalf in matters related to the award and administration of federal financial assistance.

In signing an application, this individual agrees that the organization will assume the obligations imposed by applicable federal statutes and regulations and other terms and conditions of the award, including any assurances, if the application is funded.

These responsibilities include accountability both for the appropriate use of funds awarded and the performance of the supported project or activities as specified in the approved application.

Although HHS requires that the recipient organization designate such an individual, HHS does not specify the organizational location or full set of responsibilities for this individual.


GPS, Augmented by OGC to reflect UAR language

Authorized Official Name

  • The prefix of the name of the responsible person associated with the [recipient] role of award applicant or award recipient.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityPersonPrefixName)
  • The first name of the responsible person associated with the [recipient's] role of award applicant or award recipient.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityPersonFirstName)
  • The middle initial or middle name of the responsible person associated with the [recipient's] role of award applicant or award recipient.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityPersonMiddleInitialOrName)
  • The last name of the responsible person associated with the [recipient's] role of award applicant or award recipient.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityPersonLastName)

Authorized Official Title

The title of the responsible person associated with the [recipient] role.


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityPersonTitleName)

Authorized Official Email

The email address of the responsible person associated with the [recipient] role of award applicant or award recipient.


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityPersonEmailName)

Authorized Official Phone Number

The phone number of the responsible person associated with the [recipient] role of award applicant or award recipient.


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMLegalEntityPersonPhoneText)

9. Awarding Agency Contact Information

The federal agency that provides a federal award directly to a [recipient].


45 CFR 75.2

Implementing Guidance

The name of the awarding agency official responsible for providing the recipient with assistance in understanding the grants management components of the federal award.

The awarding agency official designated for this field is determined by the respective Operating or Staff Division that issued the federal award.

Awarding Agency Contact Name

  • A prefix of the name of a person from the federal [awarding] agency.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: AgencyPersonPrefixName)
  • A first name of a person from the federal [awarding] agency.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: AgencyPersonFirstName)
  • A middle initial or middle name of a person from the federal [awarding] agency.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: AgencyPersonMiddleInitialOrName)
  • A last name of a person from the federal [awarding] agency.
    Source: Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: AgencyPersonLastName)

Awarding Agency Contact Title

[Title] of a federal [awarding] agency representative or point of contact (POC).


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: AgencyPersonTypeCode)

Operating Division Name

The name of the Operating or Staff Division within HHS that issued the federal award.



Awarding Agency Contact Email

An email address for the federal [awarding] agency point of contact.

Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: AgencyPersonEmailName)

Awarding Agency Contact Phone Number

A phone number for the federal [awarding] agency point of contact.

Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: AgencyPersonPhoneText)

10. Program Official Contact Information

The name and contact information of the [Program Official responsible for programmatic help with the federal award].


RGM, Sprint Team and DGPOE

Name of Program Official

The name of the Program Official responsible for providing the recipient with assistance in understanding the programmatic components of the federal award.

HHS Grants Systems/DGPOE

Implementing Guidance
The awarding agency's program official designated for this field is determined by the respective Operating or Staff Division that issued the federal award.

Title of Program Official

The title of the responsible Program Official associated with the federal award (e.g. Project Officer).

HHS Grants Systems/DGPOE

Operating Division Name

The name of the Operating or Staff Division within HHS that issued the federal award.


Email Address of Program Official

The federally assigned email address of the responsible Program Official person associated with the federal award.


Phone Number of Program Official

The phone number of the responsible Program Official person associated with the federal award.


11. Award Number

Grant identification number



12. Unique Federal Award

Identification Number (FAIN)

The Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) is the unique ID within the federal agency for each (non-aggregate) financial assistance award.


DAIMS v2.0

Implementing Guidance

DATA Act Information Model Schema (DAIMS) v2.0 definitions are subject to change.

13. Statutory Authority

A citation or text referencing the authorizing legislation that enables the grant program to exist.


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GrantProgramAuthorizingLegislationText)

14. Federal Award Project Title

A brief, descriptive title of the [recipient's] activity or project associated with the grant application as submitted by the applicant, or as stated on the federal award.


(Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GrantAwardTitleName) *Augmented by Sprint Team, DGPOE and OGC

15. Assistance Listing Number

The number assigned to a federal program in the [Assistance Listings] (formerly Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)).


45 CFR 75.2

16. Assistance Listing Program Title

The title of the program under which the federal award was funded in the [Assistance Listings] (formerly Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)).


45 CFR 75.2

17. Award Action Type

[Domain value] for the type of activity that has been applied to the grant award.

Possible domain values

  • New
  • Renewal
  • Supplemental
  • Administrative change
  • Budget or funding adjustment
  • Carryover
  • Change of [recipient] institution
  • Change of key personnel
  • Closeout
  • [Expansion] supplement
  • [Funded] Extension
  • No cost extension


Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (Data Element Name: GRMAwardActionTypeDetailTypeCode)

Version 1.0 Standard Grants Management Data Elements (GRMAwardActionTypeCode - Domain Values)

18. Is the Award R&D?

All research activities, both basic and applied, and all development activities that are performed by HHS award recipients.

The term research also includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function.


45 CFR 75.210

19. Budget Period Start and End Date

A segment of a project period, usually but not always 12 months in length, during which the recipient may incur new obligations.

Additional budget periods may be approved on a noncompetitive basis, but there is no recipient entitlement to additional budget periods within the project period.


Supported by OGC may be subject to change when new regulation is passed.

20. Total Amount of Federal Funds Obligated by this Action

Amount of federal government’s obligation, de-obligation for an award transaction.


DAIMS v2.0, Augmented by OGC to reflect UAR language

Implementing Guidance

This field must only reflect the total amount of federal funds obligated as of this action. This field is not a cumulative amount.

DATA Act Information Model Schema (DAIMS) v2.0 definitions are subject to change.

20a. Direct Cost Amount

The amount of federal funds provided in support of costs that directly support allowable, reasonable, allocable, and necessary costs associated with this project.


RGM, Sprint Team and DGPOE

Implementing Guidance

This field must only reflect the total amount of federally funded direct costs obligated as of this action.

This field is not a cumulative amount.

20b. Indirect Cost Amount

The amount of federal funds provided in support of indirect costs associated with this project, based on a fixed, negotiated, or de minimis rate, as appropriate.


RGM, Sprint Team and DGPOE

Implementing Guidance

This field must only reflect the total amount of federally funded indirect costs obligated as of this action.

This field is not a cumulative amount.

21. Authorized Carryover

Unobligated federal funds remaining at the end of a budget period that may be carried forward to a subsequent budget period to cover allowable costs of that budget period as additional authorization.

Obligated but unliquidated funds are not considered carryover.


Augmented from GPS

Implementing Guidance

Authorized carryover must only reflect unobligated funds authorized by the HHS Operating or Staff Division as a result of a prior approval carryover request submitted by the recipient.

This field must not be reflected as a cumulative amount for instances where multiple prior approval carryover awards are issued throughout the current budget period; and this field must not capture automatic carryover amounts of unobligated funds.

22. Offset

Unobligated federal funds remaining at the end of a budget period that may be used to reduce the federal funding of a subsequent budget period by the excess amount.

Obligated but unliquidated funds are not considered an offset.


Augmented from GPS

23. Total Amount of Federal Funds Obligated this Budget Period

Within the current budget period, the cumulative amount of federal funds only.


RGM, Sprint Team and DGPOE

Implementing Guidance

This field must reflect the cumulative total amount of federal funds obligated as of the most recent Notice of Award (NoA) issued during the current budget period.

24. Total Approved Cost Sharing or Matching, where applicable

The portion of project costs not paid by federal funds (unless otherwise authorized by federal statute).

This may include the value of allowable third party in-kind contributions, as well as expenditures by the recipient.


45 CFR 75.2

Implementing Guidance

This field must reflect the cumulative total amount of approved cost sharing or matching federal funds as of the most recent Notice of Award (NoA) issued during the current budget period.

25. Total Federal and Non-Federal Approved this Budget Period

The sum of the Total Amount of Federal Funds Obligated this Budget Period (NoA Cover Sheet Data Field# 23) and the Total Approved Cost Sharing or Matching, where applicable (NoA Cover Sheet Data Field# 24).


RGM, Sprint Team and DGPOE

Implementing Guidance

This field must reflect the cumulative total amount of federal and non-federal funds obligated as of the most recent Notice of Award (NoA) issued during the current budget period.

26. Project Period Start and End Date

The time interval authorized by the federal awarding agency for the recipient to carry out the work under the federal award.


45 CFR 75.2, Augmented by DGPOE

27. Total Amount of the Federal Award including Approved Cost Sharing or Matching this Project Period

Within an entire project period, the cumulative amount of Federal funds and approved cost sharing or matching awarded to date.


RGM, Sprint Team, DGPOE and OGC

Implementing Guidance

This field must reflect the cumulative total amount of federal and non-federal funds obligated as of the most recent Notice of Award (NoA) issued during the current project period.

28. Authorized Treatment of Program Income

Deduction, Addition, Cost Sharing and/or Matching.


45 CFR 75.307

Implementing Guidance

Awarding agencies may enter multiple methods of applying program income (i.e. deduction addition, cost sharing or matching) as needed.

Use of "Other" is allowable to accommodate existing grants system processes for purposes of capturing multiple applications of program income.

29. Grants Management Officer - Signature

The GMO is the OPDIV official whose name appears on the NoA and is the official responsible for the business management and other non-programmatic aspects of an award.



30. Remarks

Additional relevant details about the federal award.



Implementing Guidance

The format of the remarks section will be standardized in future refinements to the NoA Cover Page.

Currently, awarding agencies have the flexibility to continue using the remarks section according to their existing business processes.

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