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Payment Management System: When will I see the FFR for my HRSA grant in PMS?

When will I see the FFR for my HRSA grant in PMS?

HRSA will not accept FFR submissions through the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) after Sept. 25, 2020. The FFR will be available for recipients to prepare, certify, and submit in the Payment Management System (PMS) starting Oct. 1, 2020; HRSA recipients will not be able to view or complete FFRs in PMS until after this date. HRSA will send PMS the data for all FFRs that are in a “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Change Requested” status as of Sept. 25, as well as any future FFRs. Recipients will not be responsible for “adding” FFRs into PMS.

Payment Management System
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