Yes. The Payment Management System (PMS) includes a supplemental form where HAB RWHAP Part A and B recipients must report the breakdown of the UOB by sub-program into the PMS system. In the "Federal Financial Report - Details" section of PMS, select the "Supplemental Info" tab. Here, both RWHAP Part A (H89) and Part B (X07) grant recipients must enter the UOB information. Note, as of April 22, 2021, HAB recipients can no longer provide this information via the "Request for Information" feature in the EHBs.
If you have questions about the information collected on the HAB supplemental form, please reach out to your HRSA Grants Management Specialist or HAB Project Officer.
HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs): I am a recipient of a HRSA HIV/AIDS (HAB) program grant, and we report a breakdown of our unobligated balance (UOB) by sub-program. Will this continue?
I am a recipient of a HRSA HIV/AIDS (HAB) program grant, and we report a breakdown of our unobligated balance (UOB) by sub-program. Will this continue?
HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs)
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