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  2. Calculating Eligible Expenses and Lost Revenue: How will HRSA calculate lost revenues for providers that select Option i (Comparison of Actual Lost Revenues) at the time of reporting?

Calculating Eligible Expenses and Lost Revenue: How will HRSA calculate lost revenues for providers that select Option i (Comparison of Actual Lost Revenues) at the time of reporting?

How will HRSA calculate lost revenues for providers that select Option i (Comparison of Actual Lost Revenues) at the time of reporting?

For Option i, lost revenues are calculated for each quarter during the Period of Availability, as a standalone calculation, with 2019 quarters serving as a baseline. For each calendar year of reporting, the applicable quarters where lost revenues are demonstrated are totaled to determine an annual lost revenues amount.  The annual lost revenues are then added together.  There is no offset.

(Updated 8/30/2021)

Calculating Eligible Expenses and Lost Revenue
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