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Non-Financial Data: What were the categories for classifying personnel?

What were the categories for classifying personnel?

Personnel will be classified as either “clinical” or “non-clinical” staff using the following categories: a) full-time; b) part-time; c) contractor; d) furloughed; e) separated; and f) hired.

  1. Full-time: number of personnel employed on average 30 hours of service per week, or 130 hours for a calendar month.
  2. Part-time: number of personnel employed any time between 1 and 34 hours per week, whom may or may not qualify for benefits.
  3. Contractor: number of personnel employed as an individual or under organizational contracts and do not receive direct benefits or compensation from the Reporting Entity.
  4. Furloughed: number of personnel on involuntary and unpaid leave of absence.
  5. Separated: number of personnel who 1) voluntarily submitted a written or verbal notice of resignation or 2) the Reporting Entity decided to terminate its relationship with the employee(s) (includes lay-offs and expired contracts).
  6. Hired: number of personnel 1) not previously employed by the Reporting Entity or 2) that left a company due to voluntary or involuntary separation and are brought back to work by employer.

(Updated 6/11/2021)

Non-Financial Data
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