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  2. Committee Approach to Evaluating the Condition Review Report (Decision Matrix)

Committee Approach to Evaluating the Condition Review Report (Decision Matrix)

This page describes the approach used by the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC/Committee) in evaluating the evidence presented to it and in making recommendations regarding addition of the condition to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP). The steps in this process include assessing the net benefit of screening all newborns, the certainty of the evidence regarding the net benefit, the feasibility of implementing a comprehensive program of screening for the condition, and the readiness of public health programs to implement such a program of expanded screening, including an assessment of costs to the newborn screening programs to expand screening for a condition under review1.

ACHDNC Decision Matrix.

Download a PDF of the Decision Matrix (PDF - 1 MB)

1. Kemper, A.R., et al., Decision-making process for conditions nominated to the recommended uniform screening panel: statement of the US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary's Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children. Genet Med, 2014. 16(2): p. 183-7.

2. Wagner, M., et al., Can the EVIDEM Framework Tackle Issues Raised by Evaluating Treatments for Rare Diseases: Analysis of Issues and Policies, and Context-Specific Adaptation. Pharmacoeconomics, 2016. 34(3): p. 285-301.

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