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Leveraging Health Service Equity Approaches for Sustainable HIV Epidemic Control (HRSA-22-160) Webinar Q&A Transcript

Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Webinar slides (PDF - 397 KB)

  1. Please confirm the total funding available for this award. Is it $10M for the entire five years, or $10M per year, over five years?

    The total award amount is $10 million per year, over 5 years, for a total of $50 million, which is subject to the availability of funds.

  2. Is this project expected to be implemented by one successful applicant in both countries (Zambia and Malawi)?

    One award will be granted to one successful applicant that will implement in both countries. HRSA is recommending a consortium of entities and organizations that would function as subrecipients and support implementation of activities. For fiscal year 2023, the first year of funding is confirmed for Zambia and Malawi. There is the potential to add funding for additional countries in subsequent years based on planning and funding availability.

  3. Are there selected provinces or districts of operations in Zambia the application should include?

    The NOFO does not specify particular districts or facilities.

  4. Are there advantages to working with US small businesses or local partners in Zambia?

    The entities should be stakeholders that could increase the strength and impact of the work. The impact and sustainability should be considered. Working closely with local partners and demonstrating relationships with host governments in Zambia and Malawi can be very critical and important to the success of the application as well as the activities intended to be implemented.

  5. Is there a prerequisite for the additional country or countries in terms of location in Africa?

    Not at this time. For the application, the additional country should be one of the 50 identified PEPFAR countries, but does not need to be specific to Africa.

  6. What are the recommended qualifications of key personnel responding to this award?

    There are no specific qualifications or sub-specialties that are required for key personnel for this NOFO. Qualifications are dependent on the activities proposed in the application. Key personnel should have appropriate qualifications by training and/or experience to implement and carry out the proposed activities.

  7. The NOFO mentions key populations. Are applicants required to propose activities specific to key populations?

    Applicants are asked to propose activities based on the needs identified.

  8. Do applicants need to name the activity with a new name, or continue to use the same name described in the NOFO?

    Applicants are welcome to name their project in the application. We will confirm upon award if there is a particular naming convention that will continue to be used.

  9. Can a consortium only receive the "HBCU Initiative Priority Factor" points if the HBCU is the prime applicant, or can the consortium also receive this if they are a sub-grantee/partner?

    A consortium would put together one application and the points would be applied to the application. Attachment 11 should include the activities or documentation of how the consortium meets any of the five factors under the funding priority to earn up to the maximum ten points. Sub-awardees specific activities or documentation should be included in attachment 11 in order for the application to receive points for each of the factors. The lead organization does not need to independently be able to fulfill all of the factors for the funding priority. Consortium members or partners can address the scope of different factors but this information must be included in Attachment 11.

  10. Can you please share more information on the registration to SAM.GOV and DUNS? SAM.GOV registration can be complicated and difficult to access the IUE number, even with an active account. What should we do in order to get the IUE number for SAM.GOV registration?

    If applicants already have a DUNS number in SAM.GOV then they should also have received a UEI number. If applicants do not have a DUNS number, and need a UEI number, they should begin the registration in SAM.GOV. SAM.GOV is a separate entity. Please follow the links in the referenced slide deck for assistance.

  11. Is HRSA anticipating or looking for consortiums with US partners as a requirement?

    A consortium with US partners is not a requirement.

  12. Can an applicant be a prime in one application and a sub-partner in another application?

    It is not prohibited to be a prime in one application and a sub for another but please keep in mind that the consortium is the recommended entity. There will only be one award for this NOFO.

  13. Is the total funding available for all countries: Zambia, Malawi, plus one other country?

    The total estimated funding is the total across the whole award. The total funding is subject to approval on an annual basis by Congress and the State Department and the anticipated funds are for Zambia, Malawi and potentially other PEPFAR countries in fiscal year 2023.

  14. How many other countries in addition to Zambia and Malawi can be included in the application? How will the additional country be selected? Should the applicant include the additional country of preference in their application?

    The NOFO instructions are to include a proposal for one other country in addition to Malawi and Zambia. Countries and activities that will be supported through each PEPFAR US government agency are decided through the PEPFAR annual country and regional operational planning process. The proposal for an additional country is to demonstrate the applicant’s ability to respond to the NOFO and does not directly result in this country being selected for funding, as this is part of the planning process led by S/GAC.

  15. In year one, should applicants propose to implement in both Zambia and Malawi, or can applicants propose to implement in just one country? In subsequent years, should applicants propose to implement in additional countries?

    An implementation plan should be provided for both Zambia and Malawi across the five years. Activities for one additional country across the five years must be proposed as well.

  16. If an application is successful, in which fiscal year would implementation start in a third country?

    This remains to be determined based on the PEPFAR annual planning process. For the purposes of the application, this is just a proposal and should include implementation plans for Zambia, Malawi and one other PEPFAR country for all 5 years.

  17. Will a third country be required to implement/collaborate with Zambia and Malawi or can they implement independently?

    All activities proposed as part of the application would be specific to each individual country, which may build on strengths and best practices from activities in other countries.

  18. Is it necessary or optional for the applicant to include a third PEPFAR country in addition to Zambia and Malawi?

    The applicant must propose activities for Zambia and Malawi and a third PEPFAR country in order to be responsive to the application.

  19. Is it okay to budget for five provinces for each country, Zambia and Malawi?

    The applicant should determine how to best address the objectives for the proposed program to respond to the NOFO and develop the budget and details as it is reasonable and appropriate.

  20. Should the additional country budget for $10M per year in their workplan?

    The $10M annual funding estimate is the total for all countries.

  21. Is there a restriction on international trips associated with implementation of the award?

    Proposed international travel that supports the objectives of the proposed activities and scope of work can be included in the application.

  22. What is the accepted percent of personnel salary allocated for the award?

    There is not a limit or designated percent of the budget for personnel salary. The personnel salaries should reflect what is necessary and reasonable to accomplish the objectives and activities described in the NOFO.

  23. Is there a limit on the percentage of salaries and on the number of international trips?

    There is no specified limit for salaries or international trips. The budget and budget narrative should be reasonable to accomplish the objectives and activities outlined in the NOFO.

  24. Can applicants use 10% de minimis indirect rate?

    The indirect cost rate is capped at 8% for foreign organizations. For non-profits and institutions of higher education, rates may vary. Please check HRSA SF-424 and the HHS Division of Cost Allocation ( for guidance for your organization if you do not have a current indirect rate agreement.

  25. Can equipment, like vehicles, be purchased under the award?

    If reasonable and appropriate in order to respond to the NOFO, applicants can develop their budget accordingly to include vehicles, if needed.

  26. Are all forms including the SF-424 supposed to be submitted in PDF together with the full project technical application?

    The application is submitted in The website will guide applicants on how to submit the form. Please refer to the website. Typically applications are in PDF form.

  27. Is it mandatory to partner with a US institution?

    It is not a requirement.

  28. As applicants, are we required to sign in all documents to be submitted like is done in USAID, including organogram?

    Please review the SF-424 guide for additional information on this.

  29. In year one, are we required to submit milestones for both Malawi and Zambia?

    The applicant is asked to provide milestones for all countries proposed for implementation.

  30. Can you please share more about the submission process? Can applicants apply via email?

    The application can be accessed and submitted through

  31. Can new staff be included as part of the activities?

    Yes, new staff, if needed to be responsive to the application, can be included. A position description and minimum qualifications would need to be included.

  32. If we have additional questions, who can we contact?

    Additional questions can be directed to Alpa Patel-Larson ( and Laura Foradori (

  33. How does an applicant obtain letter of support, MOUs, or demonstrate in-country relationships, if the applicant has not been working in the countries specified in the NOFO?

    The applicant should provide letter(s) of support, MOU(s) and other relevant documentation for the application, as applicable based on previously established relationships or relationships that will be developed, including consortium members and/or proposed sub-awardee(s). The applicant can also provide documentation of previous partnerships and work with in-country stakeholders in other countries to demonstrate how they have established these relationships with past projects.

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