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  2. RCORP-Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Access

RCORP-Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Access

RCORP–Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Access award recipients receive up to $1,000,000 per year over the three-year period of performance to:

  • Establish new MAT access points to provide both medications and supportive services to individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) and/or alcohol use disorder (AUD) in rural communities;
  • Enhance the MAT workforce through recruitment, training, and the development of peer mentorship networks;
  • Build community capacity and infrastructure to support more effective and efficient MAT service provision; and
  • Ensure sustainability of the new MAT access points through improved billing and coding, as well as enrollment of eligible individuals into health insurance.

FY 22 and FY 23 awards

See our FY 22 MAT Access award recipients.

See our FY 23 MAT Access award recipients.

Applicant resources

Contact us

Questions about HRSA’s efforts to improve access to and quality of medication-assisted treatment and supportive services in rural communities? Email us at

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