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  2. FAQ: Children’s Safety Network Program

FAQ: Children’s Safety Network Program

Funding Opportunity Numbers: HRSA-23-080

NOFO Technical Assistance

Where can I find a recording of the NOFO Technical Assistance call?

View the webinar recording.

When I try to apply for the grant, the Apply tab does not work.

For assistance with submitting the application in, contact 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding federal holidays at: Contact Center
Telephone: 1-800-518-4726 (International callers dial 606-545-5035)
View the webinar recording.

Program Purpose

I work with a program for youth who have mental health and substance use issues in my state and would like to apply for this grant to broaden the program to other parts of the state. Is this the right grant for that?

No. This successful applicant for this award will serve as a national resource center, serving all states and jurisdictions implementing Title V Block Grant programs. As stated on page i of the NOFO, this program will provide expertise in injury and violence prevention to increase the capacity of these Title V agencies to adopt and implement evidence-based child and adolescent safety programs, practices, and policies, with a specific focus on injury and violence-related Title V performance and outcome measures, such as injury hospitalizations, bullying, safe sleep, and suicide, as well as leading causes of injury-related deaths among children and adolescents (e.g., motor vehicle crashes, firearms, and poisonings). Specific information on the overarching activities are found on page 8 of the NOFO.

Application Instructions

Page 11 of the NOFO asks applicants to provide SMARTIE objectives “for each proposed project goal.” Are the proposed project goals this refers to the four bullets that follow the overarching goal on page 1 of the NOFO (beginning with “Provide Technical Assistance (TA) and capacity-building…”) OR are they the five bulleted core objective/targets on page 1 and 2 of the NOFO (beginning with “Provide individual TA…”)? (Or are they something else altogether?)

It will be up to the applicant to propose what their goals for the project are based on the information provided in the NOFO.

The Attachments section of the NOFO (page 17) it indicates that Attachment 5 is a 1 page Project Organizational Chart, however the Organizational Information section of the Program-Specific Instructions/Narrative Guidance (page 15) it states “…include an organizational chart as Attachment 5.” Are we to include a project org chart AND our overall org chart in attachment 5 (making it 2 pages instead of 1 page)?

On page 17 of the NOFO, applicants are asked to include a one- page figure that depicts the organizational structure of the project as Attachment 5. The location for an organizational chart for your organization is not specified and an applicant can add that either in the narrative or as an attachment (Attachments 11-15: Other Relevant Documents) as noted on page 18 of the NOFO.

Do references count in the page limit and is there a specific style we should use for them?


They do count in the page limit and the style is up to the applicant.

If we include additional attachments (attachments 11-15) do they count towards the page limit?


Does a university count as a “public or private entity” for eligibility?


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