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The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) distributed Provider Relief Fund (PRF), and American Rescue Plan (ARP Rural) payments to eligible healthcare provides to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19.

HRSA also provided claims reimbursements under the Uninsured Program (UIP) and COVID-19 Coverage Assistance Fund (CAF). The UIP reimbursed health care providers for administering COVID-19 testing, vaccine administration, and/or treatment to uninsured individuals. The CAF reimbursed healthcare providers who administered COVID-19 vaccines to underinsured patients.

The retention and use of PRF, ARP Rural, UIP, or CAF payments were subject to certain Terms and Conditions, which were given to providers at the time of payment.

Providers are considered in compliance when the Terms and Conditions are accepted and met, through reporting requirements and potential audits that show the use of funds were for acceptable purposes. 

When the Terms and Conditions are not met, HHS reserves the right to administer penalties for non-compliance. Providers that are not in compliance may be subject to enforcement actions including repayment and debt collection. 

HRSA will officially notify all non-compliant providers, alerting them of their non-compliant status with instructions on how to remediate their status (if applicable). 

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