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  2. Rural Health Research and Policy Programs

Rural Health Research and Policy Programs

We support the Rural Health Research Centers program. We also fund policy programs. These programs inform one another on current and future policies.

What do the Research Centers do?

The Centers publish research focused on rural areas. This includes health care and the health of groups of people. Each Center develops projects every year.

Learn about our projects

We publish the Centers’ research in the Rural Health Research Gateway.

  • Summaries of research in progress
  • Results of funded projects
  • Email updates about new publications

Review our policy programs

Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue Specific Rural Research Studies

Rural Health Clinic Technical Assistance

  • Identify key issues facing Rural Health Clinics and share tools and resources

Rural Health Research Dissemination Program

Rural Health Research Program

Rural Health Innovation and Transformation Technical Assistance Program

  • Analysis of federal policy changes
  • Health care delivery, organization, and finance in rural areas
  • Technical assistance to rural providers

National Rural Health Information Clearinghouse Program

National Rural Health Policy, Community, and Collaboration Program

  • Identifies, educates, and engages rural health stakeholders
  • Policy issues and promising practices

Rural Health and Economic Development Analysis Program

Rural Residency Planning and Development Program

  • Expanding the physician workforce in rural areas
  • New residency programs
  • Family medicine, internal medicine, psychiatry, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology 
  • Managed by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) working with the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)

Rural Residency Planning and Development Technical Assistance Program

Archived information

For historic information about PRD programs, please consult the following archived sections of the PRD website:

Rural Health Clinic (RHC) COVID-19 Programs

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