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  2. FAQ: Supporting Healthy Start Performance Project (SHSPP)

FAQ: Supporting Healthy Start Performance Project (SHSPP)

Funding Opportunity Numbers: HRSA-24-038 (Competing Continuation, New)

NOFO technical assistance

When is the NOFO Technical Assistance call?
The NOFO Technical Assistance call is scheduled for October 17, 2023, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET. After the webinar takes place, we will update this FAQ with a link to the recording. Page iv of the NOFO has the Zoom link.


What types of organizations are eligible to apply to this NOFO?
Eligible applicants include any domestic public or private entity. As noted on page 9 of the NOFO, domestic community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are also eligible to apply.

SHSPP Technical Assistance (TA) Supplement

Can you apply for the SHSPP TA Enhancement separately from the SHSPP application?
No, you must apply for the Supporting Healthy Start Performance Project in order to apply for the SHSPP TA Enhancement as noted on page 22 of the NOFO.
Should any attachments other than Attachment 9 include information about the SHSPP TA Enhancement? (e.g., work plan, staffing plan, bio sketches, letters of agreement, organization chart)
No, only include the requested attachments on the SHSPP TA Enhancement in Attachment 9.


Is the budget for the SHSPP TA Enhancement separate? Or if you plan to apply for both, should you draft your budget with the total amount?
The budget for the enhancement would be separate. That would be included in attachment 9 as noted on page 22 of the NOFO.
Where should the actual line-item budget for the SHSPP TA Enhancement be included? Can the line-item budget in this case be in a table the applicant develops and embed or is the expectation that the enhancement’s line-item budget be in another SF-424A that would be part of attachment 9 (which can only be 10 pages)?

Include the separate line-item budget in attachment 9. The line-item budget for the SHSPP TA Enhancement should be in another SF-424A, as part of attachment 9. Please note: It can only be 9 pages. Please refer to page 24 of the NOFO on attachment 9 in the budget justification section:

“g. BUDGET JUSTIFICATION: A separate line-item budget and budget justification is required for the SHSPP TA Enhancement. See Section 4.1.iv of the Application Guide.”

Program requirements and expectations

Can HRSA please clarify if the meetings required on pages 7 and 14 of the NOFO are required to all be face-to-face or if some may be virtual?
Yes, some meetings may be virtual.
Is there a requirement to identify an external partner in advance of submitting a proposal? (For example, one of the grant recipients, etc.)
There is not a requirement to identify an external partner. However, as you are preparing the design of your proposal, you may want to be in contact with external partners that may help to enhance your application and/or help to support the activities that you're proposing within your application. The degree of development of partner relationships may be a factor that reviewers use in assessing the quality of your application.
Since only one application will be approved, what area will have to be served?
The SHSPP is a TA project and not specific to an area. The SHSPP TA project is intended to provide training and TA services nationally to support the Healthy Start (HS), Healthy Start Initiative-Enhanced (HSE) and Catalyst for Infant Health Equity grant recipients as noted on page 2 of the NOFO.
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