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  2. FAQ: Geriatrics Workforce Education Program (GWEP)

FAQ: Geriatrics Workforce Education Program (GWEP)

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-24-018

On this page:

Accreditation and approval

  1. What documentation must a Certified Nursing Assistant program have?
    Certified Nursing Assistant programs must provide documentation of approval by the state’s nursing board as Attachment 7.

Beneficiary eligibility

  1. Who is eligible to receive support from grant funds?
    You are eligible to receive support from grant funds if you are:
    • A citizen or non-citizen national of the United States.
    • An individual lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States.
    • A “qualified alien” under section 431(b) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-193, as amended.


  1. Is the one-million-dollar ceiling for the entire 5-year period of performance?
    No. The maximum amount you can ask for is one million dollars for each year of the grant.
  2. Is a budget that is 100% for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) education and training allowed?
    Yes, if the budget includes stipend/traineeships/fellowships support activities.
  3. If I receive a GWEP award, must I spend $230,0000 annually on ADRD education and training?
  4. Can stipends be paid to a sub-awardee or to a tribal organization?
    No. Award recipients can only provide stipends to individuals to help meet those individuals’ expenses during the training period.
  5. Can the budget exceed one million dollars per year?


  1. What are the eligible entities for HRSA-24-018?
    The list of eligible applicants is in section III., Eligibility Information.
  2. Is a Certified Nursing Assistant program shorter than six weeks eligible to apply for this grant opportunity?
    No. To be eligible for HRSA-24-018, the facility must provide a 6-to-12-week CNA certificate program that is approved by the state’s nursing board.
  3. Can funding be used to develop a CNA program?
  4. Are current GWEP grantees given preference over new applicants for this funding opportunity?
  5. What is the definition of a health care facility?
    A health care facility is one of the following:
    • Indian Health Service health center
    • Native Hawaiian health center
    • Hospital
    • Federally qualified health center
    • Rural health clinic
    • Nursing home
    • Home health agency
    • Hospice program
    • Public health clinic
    • State or local department of health
    • Skilled nursing facility
    • Ambulatory surgical center
  6. Are Medical Centers eligible?
    No. However, some components of Medical Centers, such as hospitals, are eligible to apply for this award.

Funding priority and special consideration

  1. Does a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) automatically qualify for the priority regardless of their HPSA score?

Multiple applications and organizations

  1. Can an entity be part of more than one application?
    Yes. However, applicants cannot receive grant funds for the same activities from multiple grants.


  1. What is a reciprocal partnership and how it is different from a partnership?
    A reciprocal partnership has multidirectional sharing of knowledge and skills and shared decision-making across partners.

Program requirements

  1. What profession is medicine referring to in program requirement number 6?
    The reference to medicine in program requirement number 6 refers to Allopathic or Osteopathic medicine.
  2. What is meant by a registered apprenticeship program?
    A registered apprenticeship program is a proven model of apprenticeship that has been validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a state apprenticeship agency. Recipient organizations that are tribes or tribal organizations may request to use the Indian Health Service Community Health Aide Program model of apprenticeship.
  3. Are applicants required to address all the program requirements in their application?
  4. Is the interprofessional training limited to just medicine and nursing?
    No. Interprofessional training is defined by three or more professions.
  5. In program requirement 6, can the grantees provide training for all the topics across the five years; or are they required to provide educational sessions on all topics each year?
    The training can be integrated and sustained over the 5-year period of performance.
  6. Can you define eight-week Longitudinal Clinical Rotation?
    A longitudinal clinical rotation is defined as a continuous clinical immersion in Tribal, Tribal organizations, underserved and/or rural (TTOUR) primary care sites/delivery systems for a duration of one eight-week or two four-week periods within an academic year. The longitudinal clinical rotations must be at least twenty hours per week per trainee.

Project director

  1. What are the qualifications for the Project Director?
    The Project Director must be at least a master’s-prepared health professional or a master’s-prepared health educator, who is also a geriatrics or gerontology specialist (except for project directors of certified nursing assistant programs who must be at least bachelor’s-level prepared health professional) and have a minimum of 5 years of experience in leading geriatrics initiatives including workforce development and be employed by the applicant organization at the time of application.

Tribal, tribal organizations, underserved and/or rural (TTOUR)

  1. What is the meaning of TTOUR?
    TTOUR is an acronym for Tribal, Tribal organizations, underserved and/or rural.
  2. Does the nursing home have to be in a TTOUR site?
    For program requirement 3, the nursing home must be in a TTOUR site. For program requirement 8, the nursing home does not have to be in a TTOUR site.
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