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  2. RCORP-Impact


The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP)-Impact will improve access to treatment and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD).

The program will serve people and families in rural areas affected by SUD.

FY2024 RCORP - Impact Awards

How much funding will grantees receive?

The project lasts four years. Each year, grantees receive up to $750,000. They use it to meet four main goals:

  • Set up and/or expand SUD treatment and recovery services
  • Build an SUD workforce that includes peer recovery specialists and clinicians with different areas of expertise
  • Work with social services to ensure that people and families affected by SUD have a better chance for long-term recovery
  • Work to ensure that services can continue after the grant ends

Can I apply for funding?

You can apply if you're a public, private, non-profit, or for-profit group in the United States. This includes:

  • Community-based organizations
  • Native American tribal governments
  • Native American tribal organizations
  • State Offices of Rural Health
  • State, local, and territorial governments
  • Institutions of higher education
  • Faith-based organizations

Where can I find help for applying?

How can I learn more about RCORP?

How can I contact you?

Email us at

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