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  2. Frequently Asked Questions for Fiscal Year 2024 CPF/CDS Recipients

Frequently Asked Questions for Fiscal Year 2024 CPF/CDS Recipients


How do I access the program guidance?

If you need more help, contact us.

How do I access the technical assistance webinar recordings?

Our latest webinar recordings are on the CPF/CDS Awards page.

How do I apply?

You must apply through For more details, look at the guidance we sent you in February. This guidance is specific to your project.


Where can I find guidance on how my project must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requirements and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)?

You can find information about NEPA and Section 106 of NHPA on BPHC-NEPA and NHPA. We also use consultants who will reach out and help you comply with both.

Should we apply for Facilities or Equipment (HRSA-24-110) or Non-construction (HRSA-24-111)?

Apply to the guidance you received via email. Failure to do so could delay the process or require you to resubmit.

Can I transfer the award to another organization?

No, we do not allow transfers of CPF/CDS awards to other organizations.

Are HRSA-24-110 and HRSA-24-111 subject to "Review by State Under Executive Order 12372?"

No, these guidances are not subject to Executive Order 12372, as stated by 45 CFR part 100.

I have a Facilities or Equipment project. Which documents do you require for each type of project?

Moveable Equipment only

  1. SF-424C Budget Construction Form
  2. Itemized Equipment List

Design only

  1. SF-424C Budget Construction Form
  2. Review or approval from the State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO and THPO)
  3. Completion of an Environmental Information and Documentation (EID) Checklist
  4. Adhere to Federal design and Construction requirements

New Construction or Renovation with or without Equipment

  1. SF-424C Budget Construction Forms
  2. Itemized Equipment List
  3. Review or approval from the State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO and THPO)
  4. Completion of an Environmental Information and Documentation (EID) Checklist
  5. Provide Documentation
  6. Adhere to Federal design and Construction requirements
  7. Schematic drawings
  8. Notice of Federal Interest (NFI) (if it applies)

When must I apply?

  • Non-Construction (HRSA-24-111) must apply by June 10, 2024
  • Facilities or Equipment (HRSA-24-110) must apply by June 12, 2024

How do I find my Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)?

If you have an active registration, they assigned you a UEI. Log in to your account to get your UEI.

If you need a UEI, please visit and select "Get Started" on their home page.

Why must I include a middle name or initial on the key contacts form?

It helps us figure out if excluded the person. This would mean they could not get:

  1. Federal contracts
  2. Federal subcontracts
  3. Specific federal financial
  4. Non-financial assistance or benefits

Who should I include on the key contact form?

Please review pages 39 and 40 of the SF-424 application guide (PDF - 688 KB). Some examples of key personnel are:

  1. Authorizing Official
  2. Chief Executive Officer
  3. Chief Operating Officer
  4. Chief Medical Officer
  5. Chief Financial Officer


For Facilities or Equipment and Non-Construction projects: Our organization has started working on our project. Do we need to provide the full scope of our project, including the activities completed?

Yes. We need to know about the whole project, even if you started work or plan to do it before you receive an award.

Facilities or Equipment projects can only use CDS funds before the award date for pre-construction activities such as:

  • Expenses for architectural and engineering plans
  • Expenses for licensing and permitting requirements
  • Historic preservation consultation with the SHPO and THPO
  • Environmental Assessment

We must review activities completed Pre-Award through a prior approval (PA) request. We cannot guarantee that we'll approve your request. You incur pre-award costs at your own risk.

Our program operates on a drawdown basis. That means you use funds as needed. If you finish your project before your award begins, CDS funds will not refund your project.

Are indirect costs allowable for Facilities or Equipment projects?

No. Indirect costs are not allowable for CPF/ CDS Facilities or Equipment projects (HRSA-24-110).

For Facilities or Equipment projects: How much of our funds can we use for administrative expenses?

Administrative costs should not exceed 10% of the total cost/ CDS Award (10% of line 16c of the budget form–total costs).

Can Non-Construction projects use an indirect cost rate?

Yes. Approved negotiated indirect cost rate (IDR) agreements are acceptable. If you do have a negotiated IDR and would like to use one, you can use the 10% minimum rate. For more information, please review Guidance for Non-Construction Projects (HRSA-24-111) (PDF - 327 KB).

I have a Facilities or Equipment project. Do I need copies of quotes? Will you require proof of payment for the equipment purchases using the CPF/CDS funding?

You do not need to submit copies of the quotes with the application. Keep the invoices for reporting on the SF-428 Equipment form at the end of the award.

For Facilities or Equipment and non-construction projects: Can I change budget line items once we receive the award?

You can re-budget funds within the approved categories if they're under 25% of the federal approved budget.

You'll need to submit a request for prior approval for re-budgeting if:

  • It’s more than 25% of the approved federal budget.
  • It changes the project's intent.
  • You propose to move funds to a new unapproved category (budget line).

For Facilities or Equipment and Non-construction projects: Can we use CPF/CDS funds to pay for equipment items with a unit cost of less than $5,000?

Yes. Equipment under $5,000 is allowable if consistent with the Moveable or Fixed Equipment definition. For more information, please review:

I have a Facilities or Equipment project. Do I need to identify our project's entire cost and scope even if the CPF/CDS funding will only cover a portion of the project cost?

Yes. The Budget form (SF-424C) and narrative must identify the project's total cost, all other funding sources, and the status of those funds.

Should equipment-only projects apply under the Facilities or Equipment or Non-Construction guidance?

Apply to the guidance you received via email. Submit equipment-only applications using the Facilities or Equipment guidance.

Facilities or Equipment projects can apply for:

  1. Construction projects with or without equipment
  2. "Design-Only" (planning portion of a Construction project)
  3. Moveable Equipment only

How are the funds disbursed? Do we receive funds up front, or do you reimburse us?

We administer these funds as grants. We disburse them upfront, and you draw them down as needed.

To access your award funds:

  1. Register with
  2. Register in the Payment Management System (PMS)

Are these projects subject to Davis-Bacon wage requirements?

Davis-Bacon rules do not apply to CPF/CDS Funds. Regardless, your project activities must comply with state and local wage laws.

Can we spend the funds anytime during the fiscal year we request them? For example, can we purchase at the beginning of FY 2024 (October 1, 2023) and then submit receipts to you if Congress approves the funding when they sign the FY 2024 budget?

You can only use funding under HRSA-24-110 and HRSA-24-111 for the purpose and amount that the law states.

We may reimburse some Pre-Award activities by Prior Approval request. CPF/CDS funds will not refund your project if you finish it before your budget period begins.

How long is the period of performance for my project?

  • For HRSA-24-110, Facilities or Equipment projects have 3 years of performance (September 30, 2024 – September 29, 2027).
  • For HRSA-24-111, Non-construction projects have 1 year of performance; you will have 12 months from the award start date.

For Facilities or Equipment and Non-Construction projects: Is it possible to begin work or purchase equipment before the award start date?

CPF/CDS Facilities or Equipment and Non-Construction projects should start once we make awards. Pre-Award activities costs must seek prior approval. Approval is not definite, and you incur Pre-Award costs at your own risk.

  • For Facilities or Equipment projects: Costs incurred more than 90 days before the Appropriations Act (enacted March 23, 2024) passed are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • For Non-construction projects: Pre-Award costs incurred up to 90 days before the award start date must seek prior approval.

For Facilities or Equipment projects: If we begin construction now, what happens if you request an Environmental Assessment or other documents? Would we still be eligible to receive HRSA CPF/CDS funds for work we performed prior to receiving an NoA?

You must meet environmental requirements and assessments prior to initiating physical construction work, such as site work/grading, new structures, or demolition.

Facilities or Equipment projects can only use CPF/CDS funds before the award date for pre-construction activities such as:

  • Expenses for architectural and engineering plans
  • Expenses for licensing and permitting requirements
  • Historic preservation consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office/Tribal Historic Preservation Office
  • Environmental Assessment

You incur Pre-Award costs at your own risk. If you complete the project before your award begins, CPF/CDS funds will not refund your project.

We have not yet located a site for the Facilities or Equipment project. How should we address the questions regarding site location?

You can state in the application that you're still securing the site. We'll add a condition in your Notice of Award for you to provide the documentation when you have it.

Does the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act apply to CPF/CDS awards?

At present, BABA does not apply.

Post Award

How do I sign up for the HRSA Electronic Handbook?

  1. Getting Started in the EHBs Video EHB Help
  2. How to Register Video EHB Help
  3. Managing Users in the EHBs Video EHB Help

How do I access and complete my conditions in EHB?

Submissions an Overview for Grantees Video EHB Help

We have completed our initial submission into the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) for a condition of award. What are the next steps?

  1. We'll review the documents you submitted.
  2. You'll receive a new (NoA) notifying you which condition you've met and we lifted.
  3. Once approved, submit a prior approval (PA) request via EHBs if you need to change anything.

Suppose our costs are lower than anticipated in our submitted budget. Can we use the remaining funds to purchase equipment that we'll use for similar purposes to what was in our budget narrative?

You'll need prior approval to re-budget equipment purchases you did not include in the budget.

Prior Approvals Video EHB Help

Do we need to request payment before purchasing equipment, or can we request payment as reimbursement?

Request equipment or construction supplies payments as reimbursements to match the amount drawdown with the amount billed and expensed.

Can you clarify the process for drawing down funds within the Payment Management System (PMS)?

To access your award funds:

  1. Register with
  2. Register in the Payment Management System (PMS)

You can request a payment as needed. For more information, review the PMS User Guide. For help, email PMS Support or call 1-877-614-5533.

I'm unsure which documents to submit, or I do not have all the documents I need to respond to my condition of award. Is it okay to submit a partial response or re-submit what I provided in my application into the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs)?

We will return incomplete submissions or with the same documents you included in your application. Please refer to your Notice of Award. Each condition has a paragraph explaining the documents or changes needed to fulfill it.

Questions: Contact your Project Officer or Grant Management Specialist: Login to EHBs > Contacts > HRSA Contacts> Project Officer/ Grants Management Specialist

What if our organization cannot submit the required documents by the condition due date?

If you cannot meet a condition of award due date, request an extension through Electronic Handbooks (EHBs).

How to Request a Deadline Extension Video EHB Help

Do you allow a location adjustment? We may be able to move to another site with a better location and long-term expansion options.

Yes. Once we make the award, submit a Prior Approval request to change the approved location.

Who should I contact if I have trouble registering or navigating the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs)?

HRSA EHBs Call Center at 1-877-Go4-HRSA (877-464-4772)

We have completed our initial submission into EHBs for a condition of award; what are the next steps?

  1. We review Post-Award submissions.
  2. You will receive a new Notice of Award (NoA) when we lift conditions.
  3. Once we approve conditions, you must submit a prior approval (PA) request via EHBs if you need to change anything.
  4. CDS Projects can only start once you meet all Post-Award conditions.

Your environmental reviewer contacted me to determine if they need other environmental or historic preservation compliance reviews for the proposed project. Once you make a final decision, what happens next?

  1. The reviewer will tell you what documentation they need you to provide for your project.
  2. You must complete it and submit it for review and approval.
  3. When we approve the condition, we'll release a new NoA to notify you that you've met the condition and we lifted it.

Reporting (both Facilities or Equipment and Non-Construction)

Where can I access the Semi-Annual Progress Report?

Login to EHBs > "Tasks" > "Submissions" > "Semi-Annual Progress Report" > "Start."

How do we answer Construction Schedule and Earned Value Management since we only purchase equipment?

Provide as much detail as possible, such as the purchase status, cost, and purpose of the equipment.

Section 3 of the progress report asks about budget, location, or scope changes. Can you define the scope?

Base the scope on what you expect your project to complete during its project period.

Section 3 of the progress report asks about progress status as it relates to the percentage of the grant fund expenditures. Should we bill this to date or invoice it to date?

The progress report is a status update form. Please summarize the overall project budget and progress in your report.

What's the Financial Report, and how can I access it?

You use the Federal Financial Report (FFR) to submit financial data about your award.

You must submit an FFR:

  • Each year, no later than 90 days after the budget period ends.
  • One final time—at the end of your award—no later than 120 days after your budget period ends.

Get help:

  1. Federal Financial Report Integration with Payment Management System (PMS)
  2. Email PMS Support
  3. Call: 1-877-614-5533

Who should I contact if I need additional help?

Email the CDS Program.

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