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  2. How do I create my account in 340B OPAIS?

How do I create my account in 340B OPAIS?

How do I create my account in 340B OPAIS?

To create an account in 340B OPAIS, please use the following steps:

  1. From the 340B OPAIS home page, click the “I am a Participant” icon or click the “Login” icon in the top menu.
  2. Click the “Create new account” link.
  3. Type your email address in the space provided and click “Search.”
  4. The “Create a New User” registration page will be displayed:
    1. If your email address is currently associated with an active or approved covered entity or manufacturer record as an AO or PC, your email address, name, title, organization (if available), phone number, and extension will be populated automatically.
    2. If your email address has not been previously associated with a covered entity or manufacturer, enter your name, title, organization name (employer), phone number, and extension in the spaces provided before proceeding. All fields are required except phone extension.
    3. For “Parent Entity Type,” select either covered entity or manufacturer.
  5. Type your password and then type it again to confirm.
  6. Type the CAPTCHA code displayed in the image in the text box.
  7. Click “Register.”

The 340B OPAIS will check for an existing account with your email address and validate the account. OPA Staff will review new user account requests and confirm or deny access to the 340B record.

These steps, along with your account validation activity, are found in the 340B OPAIS Public User Guide (PDF - 5 MB) on the 340B website, specifically the section on creating an account.

340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System
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