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How many AOs and PCs can a covered entity or manufacturer have in 340B OPAIS?

How many AOs and PCs can a covered entity or manufacturer have in 340B OPAIS?

Authorized covered entities and manufacturers are only granted one AO and one PC per 340B record. A 340B record is defined as an individual manufacturer labeler code or covered entity 340B ID. For covered entity hospitals and their outpatient facilities, as well as community health centers and their associated grant sites, each record has one AO and one PC per record. There is a requirement for hospital covered entity types that the AO be the same for all child sites, but the PC may be a separate person for each record. For example, hospital A with three outpatient facilities has the same AO for all records, but may select a separate PC for each record. While each record has only one AO and PC, the PC is not required to be the same person on each record. Manufacturers with multiple labeler codes may select different AOs and PCs for each labeler code.

340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System
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