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Regional Telehealth Resource Center Program

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-21-022
Dates to Apply: 10/23/2020 to 01/21/2021
Bureau/Office: Office of the Administrator
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 09/01/2021
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Regional Telehealth Resource Center (RTRC) Program. RTRCs assist health care organizations, health care networks, and health care providers in the implementation of cost-effective telehealth programs to serve rural areas and populations. RTRCs also assist patients and families living in rural areas with telehealth technology to obtain health services. This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) will support 12 RTRCs that focus on statewide and regional telehealth activities as shown below. RTRCs will serve as focal points for advancing the effective use of telehealth technologies in their respective communities and states.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants include domestic public, non-profit, and for-profit entities. Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are also eligible to apply

Contact us

Michelle Carnes
(301) 443-0007

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