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Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C Early Intervention Services Program: New Geographic Service Areas

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-23-119
Dates to Apply: 02/01/2023 to 04/03/2023
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 06/01/2023
HRSA-23-119 announces the opportunity to apply for funding under Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part C Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program: New Geographic Service Areas. The purpose of this program is to provide comprehensive primary health care and support services in an outpatient setting for low income people with HIV. Under this announcement, successful applicants must provide: (1) counseling for individuals with respect to HIV; (2) targeted HIV testing; (3) periodic medical evaluations of individuals with HIV and clinical and diagnostic services for HIV care and treatment; (4) therapeutic measures for preventing and treating the deterioration of the immune system, and for preventing and treating conditions arising from HIV; and (5) referrals for people with HIV to appropriate providers of health care and support services. These services are to be provided directly or through referrals, contracts, or memoranda of understanding (MOUs). This competition is open to current RWHAP Part C EIS recipients and new organizations proposing to provide RWHAP Part C EIS funded services in a new geographic service area(s) as described by the applicant. HRSA will fund up to 10 new service areas under this notice. For the purposes of this NOFO, a new service area is a defined geographic area with a demonstrated need for comprehensive primary health care and support services in an outpatient setting for low income underserved people with HIV not adequately covered by other sources of support. Newly proposed service areas must not geographically overlap with existing RWHAP Part C EIS service areas as defined in Appendix B of this NOFO. If you are applying for more than one service area, you must submit a separate application for each proposed service area. All allowable services must relate to HIV diagnosis, care, and support, and must adhere to established HIV clinical practice standards consistent with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Guidelines. Please refer to the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) 16-02 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services for a list of RWHAP allowable core medical and support services and their descriptions. According to the RWHAP Part C legislation: • At least 50 percent of the amount received under the grant must be expended on EIS costs (except counseling and referrals/linkage to care); • At least 75 percent of the award (after reserving amounts for administrative costs, planning/evaluation, and clinical quality management (CQM)) must be expended on core medical services costs (Please note: EIS is a subset of this 75 percent of the award) and; • Not more than 10 percent of the total RWHAP Part C grant funds can be expended on administrative costs. Applicants seeking a waiver to the core medical services requirement must submit a waiver request with this application as Attachment 15.

Who can apply

As identified in section 2652(a)(1) of the PHS Act, the following public and non-profit private entities are eligible to apply: a) Federally-qualified health centers under section 1905(1)(2)(B) of the Social Security Act; b) Grant recipients under section 1001 of the PHS Act (regarding family planning) other than States; c) Comprehensive hemophilia diagnostic and treatment centers; d) Rural health clinics; e) Health facilities operated by or pursuant to a contract with the Indian Health Service; f) Community-based organizations, clinics, hospitals, and other health facilities that provide early intervention services to people who contracted HIV through intravenous drug use; or g) Nonprofit private entities that provide comprehensive primary care services to populations at risk of HIV, including faith-based and community-based organizations.

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