This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Program. The purpose of the LEAH Program is to improve the quality of care and equitable access to appropriate health services for adolescents and young adults (AYA) by preparing leaders in AYA health through interdisciplinary training at the graduate and post-graduate levels. This is accomplished through five (5) overarching objectives to: (1) Prepare diverse AYA health professionals, through didactic, experiential, and research-based interdisciplinary education and training in core health disciplines of medicine, nursing, nutrition, psychology, and social work. (2) Expand diversity, equity, and inclusion related to race, ethnicity, geography, and special populations within all training program components, including but not limited to trainee/faculty recruitment, staffing plan, curricula, clinical and experiential activities, and research foci to address health disparities2 and increase health equity for AYA. (3) Develop curricula, training activities, and investigative research to produce evidence-based products and practices in primary care, AYA specialty service, and public health. (4) Improve access to behavioral, emotional, mental, developmental, and psychosocial health services, well-being, and support for AYA. (5) Develop, expand, and disseminate population-based strategies and effective practices through collaboration and coordination of telehealth, tele-education/distance learning, technical assistance (TA), and continuing education (CE).
Eligible applicants include domestic public and nonprofit private institutions of higher learning. Only institutions of higher learning may apply for training grants (See 42 CFR § 51a.3(b)). For purposes of this funding opportunity, an “institution of higher learning" is defined as any college or university accredited by a regionalized body or bodies approved for such purpose by the Secretary of Education, and any teaching hospital which has higher education among its purposes and functions and which has a formal affiliation with an accredited school of medicine and a full-time academic medical staff holding faculty status in such school of medicine.
Claudia Brown