Find Grant Funding
HRSA awards grants to states and territories, tribes, and educational and community groups. Through our awardees, we:
- Serve communities and people who need it most
- Support the health workforce, health systems, and facilities
Explore our open grant funding opportunities, or find forecasted grants.
What’s a grant?
A grant is federal money for ideas and projects that benefit the public.
Who can get a grant?
We award grants to organizations. These could be local or state governments. Our grants help them solve critical needs in their community.
What needs are critical?
A few examples:
- Expanding the health workforce
- Increasing access to affordable and quality health care
- More options for telehealth
- HIV medical care, medications, and support services
How do I get a grant?
Search for an open opportunity. If you’re eligible, prepare and then apply.
Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program
Rural Behavioral Health Workforce Centers – Northern Border Region
Telehealth Technology-Enabled Learning Program
EMSC State Partnership Rural Expansion Program
Rural Health Clinic Vaccine Confidence Program
Eligible applicants include Medicare-certified Rural Health Clinics and organizations that own and operate Medicare-certified Rural Health Clinics. Organizations that own and operate multiple RHCs may apply for up to $50,000 per RHC (e.g., an organization that owns and operates three RHCs can apply for a total of up to $150,000 on one application). Award amounts may be higher or lower than $50,000 per RHC depending on the number of RHCs that apply for the RHCVC Program. Applicant organizations with multiple RHC sites may choose to distribute funds equally to RHC sites or pool funds to achieve program goals. HRSA will confirm applicant Employer Identification Number (EIN) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Certification Number (CCN) to verify eligibility.
HRSA will use the number of verified CCNs included in your application to calculate the number of RHCs and the total award amount for your application. A CCN may only be included on one application. If HRSA receives multiple applications that include the same CCN, HRSA may disqualify one or more applications as duplicates. Eligible applicants include public, nonprofit, or for-profit Medicare-certified RHCs or organizations that own and operate public, nonprofit, or for-profit Medicare-certified RHCs.