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Help us serve areas and people who need it most. Search for an open opportunity. If you’re eligible, prepare and then apply.

What a grant does
It funds ideas and projects that serve the public. We give grants to educational and community groups. This helps them solve a need in their area.

Who we help
Our programs help children and parents. We also help people with low incomes and HIV, and people who are pregnant, live in rural areas, or received a transplant.

And we support the health care professionals and health centers who care for them. 


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591-600 of 605 Funding Opportunities

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Emergency Relief Funds (ERF)

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-066
Application Deadline: 11/04/2019
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligible applicants are limited to RWHAP Part B states/territories that reported to HRSA a current ADAP waiting list, that have used the ADAP ERF to prevent, reduce, or eliminate an ADAP waiting list between January 2011 and July 2019, or that need additional funding for a projected increase in treatment needs aligned with ending the HIV epidemic or other unanticipated increases in the number of the clients in the program who are newly diagnosed or re-engaged in care. All 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands are eligible to apply for funding if they meet the above requirements. States/territories that did not report to HRSA a new ADAP waiting list or use the ADAP ERF to prevent, reduce, or eliminate an ADAP waiting list between January 2011 and July 2018, or that do not have a projected increase in treatment needs aligned with ending the HIV epidemic or other unanticipated increases in the number of the clients in

Service Area Competition

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-018
Application Deadline: 10/30/2019
Bureau/Office: Bureau of Primary Health Care
Status: Closed
Who can apply: You must be a domestic public or nonprofit private entity, as demonstrated through the submission of the Evidence of Non-profit/Public Center Status (Attachment 11), outlined in Section Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are eligible to apply.6

Radiation Exposure Screening and Education Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-029
Application Deadline: 10/28/2019
Bureau/Office: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Status: Closed
Who can apply: The following entities are eligible to apply for the funds described in this notice of funding opportunity: • National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers; • Department of Veterans’ Affairs hospitals or medical centers; • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), community health centers, or hospital; HRSA-20-029 3 • Agencies of any State or local government, including any state department of health, that currently provides direct health care services; • IHS health care facilities, including programs provided through tribal contracts, compacts, grants, or cooperative agreements with the IHS and that are determined appropriate to raising the health status of Indians; or • Nonprofit organizations. Additionally, only the entities located in the high-impact states cited in the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (42 U.S.C. 2210 and Public Law 106-245); i.e., Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, or Wyoming are eligible to apply. Individuals eligible for RECA compensation are categorized by the context in which they were placed at risk of exposure to radiation. Those contexts are defined by Sections 4 and 5 of the RECA, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 2210 note (2012) and by DOJ implementing regulations published at 28 C.F.R. Part 79, and in 28 CFR part 794 (see below footnote for more in-depth descriptions and definitions). In general, these categories include: • Uranium miners, • Uranium millers, • Ore transporters; • Downwinders, i.e., those who were physically present downwind of atmospheric nuclear tests, and • Onsite participants, i.e., those who participated onsite in a test involving the atmospheric detonation of a nuclear device.

Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America — Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts A and B

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-078
Application Deadline: 10/28/2019
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligible applicants are: • RWHAP Part A funded Eligible Metropolitan Areas (EMAs) or Transitional Grant Areas (TGAs) whose service area includes one or more of the identified 48 HIV high burden counties; and the EMAs of Washington, D.C. and San Juan, PR. • RWHAP Part B funded States/Territories identified as having a substantial rural HIV burden: Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Carolina. • The RWHAP Part B Program of the State of Ohio on behalf of Hamilton County.

Service Area Competition

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-019
Application Deadline: 10/24/2019
Bureau/Office: Bureau of Primary Health Care
Status: Closed
Who can apply: You must be a domestic public or nonprofit private entity, as demonstrated through the submission of the Evidence of Non-profit/Public Center Status (Attachment 11), outlined in Section Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are eligible to apply.

Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America – Systems Coordination Provider

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-089
Application Deadline: 10/18/2019
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligible organizations may include: Public and nonprofit private entities, including institutions of higher education and academic health science centers involved in addressing HIV related issues on a national scope. Faith-based and community-based organizations, Tribes, and tribal organizations also are eligible to apply. Applicants have the option to submit proposals with collaborating organizations if the partnership enhances the approach, capability and reach of the cooperative agreement.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-063
Application Deadline: 10/18/2019
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligibility for RWHAP Part A grants is based in part on the number of confirmed AIDS cases within a statutorily specified “metropolitan area.” The Secretary uses the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) census-based definitions of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) in determining the geographic boundaries of a RWHAP metropolitan area. HHS utilizes the OMB geographic boundaries that were in effect when a jurisdiction was initially funded under RWHAP Part A. For all newly eligible areas, the boundaries are based on current OMB MSA boundary definitions. RWHAP Part A recipients that are classified as an EMA or as a TGA and continue to meet the status as an eligible area as defined in statute are eligible to apply for these funds. For an EMA, this is more than 2,000 cases of AIDS reported and confirmed during the most recent five (5) calendar years, and for a TGA, this is at least 1,000, but fewer than 2,000 cases of AIDS reported and confirmed during the most recent five (5) calendar years for which such data are available. In addition, for three (3) consecutive years, recipients must not have fallen below both the required incidence levels already specified, and required prevalence levels (cumulative total of living cases of AIDS reported to and confirmed by the Director of CDC, as of December 31 of the most recent calendar year for which such data are available). For an EMA, the required prevalence is 3,000 living cases of AIDS. For a TGA, the required prevalence is 1,500 or more living cases of AIDS. However, for a TGA with five (5) percent or less of the total amount from grants awarded to the area under Part A unobligated, as of the end of the most recent fiscal year, the required prevalence is at least 1,400 (and fewer than 1,500) living cases of AIDS. This competition is open to eligible Part A jurisdictions to provide comprehensive primary health care and support services for people with HIV who are low income, uninsured, and underserved in their service areas as listed in Appendix B.

Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America – Technical Assistance Provider

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-079
Application Deadline: 10/15/2019
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligible organizations may include: Public and nonprofit private entities, including institutions of higher education and academic health science centers involved in addressing HIV related issues on a national scope. Faith-based and community-based organizations, Tribes, and tribal organizations also are eligible to apply. Applicants have the option to submit proposals with collaborating organizations if the partnership enhances the approach, capability and reach of the cooperative agreement.

Service Area Competition

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-017
Application Deadline: 09/06/2019
Bureau/Office: Bureau of Primary Health Care
Status: Closed
Who can apply: You must be a domestic public or nonprofit private entity, as demonstrated through the submission of the Evidence of Non-profit/Public Center Status (Attachment 11), outlined in Section Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are eligible to apply.

Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-20-011
Application Deadline: 09/05/2019
Bureau/Office: Bureau of Health Workforce
Status: Closed
Who can apply: An eligible entity is a community-based ambulatory patient care center that: i. Operates an accredited primary care residency program. Specific examples of eligible outpatient settings include, but are not limited to: • Federally qualified health centers, as defined in section 1905(l)(2)(B) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1396d(l)(2)(B)]; • Community mental health centers, as defined in section 1861(ff)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1395x(ff)(3)(B)]; • Rural health clinics, as defined in section 1861(aa)(2) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1395x(aa)(2)]; • Health centers operated by the Indian Health service, an Indian tribe or tribal organization, or an urban Indian organization (as defined in of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act [25 U.S.C. 1603]); and • An entity receiving funds under Title X of the PHS Act. The list of entities above is not exhaustive, but does reflect the intent of the program to provide training in settings such as those served by the institutions listed.