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Help us serve communities and people who need it most. 

This includes people:

  • With low incomes
  • With HIV
  • Who are pregnant
  • Who live in rural areas and other communities in need
  • Who received a transplant 

Our programs also support the health workforce, health systems, and facilities. They provide care for these communities.

We do this by awarding grants to:

  • States and territories
  • Tribes
  • Educational and community groups 

What’s a grant? 

A grant is federal money for ideas and projects that benefit the public. 

Who can get a grant?

We award grants to organizations. These could be local or state governments. Our grants help them solve critical needs in their community.

What needs are critical?

A few examples:

  • Expanding the health workforce
  • Increasing access to affordable and quality health care
  • More options for telehealth 
  • HIV medical care, medications, and support services

How do I get a grant?

Search for an open opportunity. If you’re eligible, prepare and then apply

Search Grant Funding Opportunities

Helpful tip
221-230 of 551 Funding Opportunities

Area Health Education Centers Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-053
Application Deadline: 04/06/2022
Bureau/Office: Bureau of Health Workforce
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Entities eligible to apply are public or nonprofit private accredited schools of allopathic medicine or osteopathic medicine, an incorporated consortia made up of such schools, or the parent institution(s) of such schools. In states and territories in which no AHEC Program is in operation, an accredited school of nursing is an eligible applicant. AHEC Requirements in Sections 751(d)(2)(A) and 751(d)(2)(B) of the PHS Act For FY 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Public Law 116-260) gave the Secretary authority to grant a waiver of the AHEC requirements under sections 751(d)(2)(A) and 751(d)(2)(B) of the PHS Act13 to programs meeting certain requirements, including that the program must have been operating under section 751 of the PHS Act on or before January 1, 2009. Applicants seeking a waiver must submit their request with their grant application. Decisions regarding the waiver requests are contingent upon extension of the Secretary’s waiver authority for FY 2022 and HRSA administrative review of each waiver request. For instructions, please see Attachment 9. Foreign entities are not eligible for these awards.

Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-115
Application Deadline: 04/05/2022
Bureau/Office: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligible applicants shall be domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit, entities, including faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations. The applicant organization may be located in an urban or rural area and must have demonstrated experience serving, or the capacity to serve, rural underserved populations; represent a network of members that include three or more health care providers; and shall not previously have received an award under this subsection for the same or similar project, unless the entity is proposing to expand the scope of the project or the area that will be served through the project.

American Rescue Plan Act – Pediatric Mental Health Care Access – New Area Expansion

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-121
Application Deadline: 04/05/2022
Bureau/Office: Maternal & Child Health Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: States, political subdivisions of states, and Indian Tribes and tribal organizations (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. § 450b)) that are not currently funded under HRSA-18-122, HRSA-19-096, and HRSA-21-122 are eligible to apply (i.e., existing recipients of HRSA PMHCA awards or other entities within funded states are not eligible to apply). Please note that Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations in states with existing awards are eligible to apply separately; however, other eligible applicants that are currently receiving HRSA PMHCA awards are not eligible to apply. The reference to states or political subdivisions includes Freely Associated States with compacts for U.S. assistance, bona fide agents of state and local governmental agencies, and institutions specifically written into state law as political subdivisions of states. Web site URL to currently-funded PMHCA projects: .

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Research Network

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-076
Application Deadline: 04/04/2022
Bureau/Office: Maternal & Child Health Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligibility is limited to domestic public or non-profit institutions of higher learning and public or private non-profit agencies engaged in research or in programs relating to maternal and child health and/or services for children with special health care needs. See 42 CFR § 51a.3(b). Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations are eligible to apply.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part D Coordinated HIV Services and Access to Research for Women, Infants, Children, and Youth (WICY) Limited Existing Geographic Service Areas

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-156
Application Deadline: 03/31/2022
Bureau/Office: HIV/AIDS Bureau
Status: Closed
Who can apply: This competition is open to current RWHAP Part D grant recipients and new, eligible applicant organizations proposing to provide RWHAP Part D family-centered care in outpatient or ambulatory care settings to low income WICY with HIV in the entire service area as described in Appendix B. As identified in section 2671 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, eligible applicants include public and nonprofit private entities (including a health facility operated by or pursuant to a contract with the Indian Health Service, and faith-based and Tribes/Tribal organizations) that provide family-centered care involving outpatient or ambulatory care (directly or through contracts or MOUs) for WICY with HIV. All applicants must meet the basic requirements of a RWHAP Part D Program as outlined in this NOFO and as established in section 2671 of the PHS Act. All applicants must demonstrate need based upon epidemiologic data. All applicants may only submit applications that address the entire RWHAP Part D geographic service area(s) for which they are applying to as published in Appendix B.

Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) Program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-22-139
Application Deadline: 03/31/2022
Bureau/Office: Bureau of Health Workforce
Status: Closed
Who can apply: Eligible applicants must meet all of the criteria listed in the NOFO in order to be considered eligible for THCGME funding. Applicants that fail to meet any eligibility criteria will not be considered for funding under this announcement.