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Tribal & Urban Indian Health Centers


To be eligible to participate in the 340B Drug Pricing Program, these health centers must be operated by programs funded under P.L. 93-638 or 25 USCS §1651. Indian Health Care Improvement Act - 25 U.S. Code Chapter 18(link is external) (PDF - 681 KB)

Tribal Contract or Compact Health Centers (also called a 638 contract or compact) are operated by Tribes or Tribal organizations and Urban Indian Health Centers are outpatient health care programs and facilities that specialize in caring for American Indians and Alaska natives. They are operated under the Indian Self-Determination Act.

Urban Indian Health Centers are designated Federally Qualified Health Centers that provide comprehensive primary care and related services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The facilities are owned or leased by Urban Indian organizations and receive the grant and contract funding through Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.

For more information on Tribal/Urban Indian Health Centers, see Title I | Office of Direct Service and Contracting Tribes ( is external) or Office of Urban Indian Health Programs | Indian Health Service (IHS)(link is external).

340B Registration

Register Start Date
January 1-15 April 1
April 1-15 July 1
July 1-15 October 1
October 1-15 January 1

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