- National Health Service Corps Annual $16 million Tribal Set-Aside
- The set-aside supports clinicians serving in Indian Health Service, Tribal, and urban Indian sites.
- The health workforce connector links clinicians to sites.
- HRSA’s National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides free, confidential, 24/7 emotional support, resources, and referrals to pregnant and postpartum women facing mental health challenges and their loved ones. If you or someone you know needs emotional support or resources, call or text 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262). The hotline offers translation services in Navajo, Yupik, Choctaw, and Hopi.
- Use our promotional toolkit to share our Hotline. You can also order a limited number of printed products for free.
HRSA provides equitable health care to the nation’s highest-need communities. We work with Tribal governments and organizations. Our programs strive to improve access to health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives. We help connect Tribal entities to HRSA programs.
We formed the Tribal Advisory Council (TAC) that is composed of elected Tribal officials from all Indian Health Service (IHS) areas. The TAC provides guidance on policies and activities that impact Tribal entities.
Important events and activities
How have we made an impact in Tribal communities?
In Fiscal Year 2023, we:
- Awarded over $127 million to 71 Tribes and Tribal organizations.
- Funded 35 health centers that are also supported by the IHS.
- Awarded over $5.6 million to seven Tribes and Tribal organizations for maternal and child health services. These services range from Healthy Start to Pediatric Mental Health Care Access.
- Awarded $15 million to Tribes and Tribal serving organizations through the Graduate Medical Education and Centers of Excellence programs.
- Served 16 Tribal communities through the Rural Communities Opioid Response Programs.
Which HRSA programs support access to health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives?
Our programs strive to include Tribal perspectives and connect Tribal communities to opportunities that meet their needs. For example, we:
- Help health care providers interested in serving in an IHS, Tribal, or urban Indian site through our health workforce programs. They can receive some of the $16 million Tribal set aside by applying to the National Health Service Corps Scholarship and Loan Repayment programs.
- Fund the Tribal Home Visiting program in partnership with the Administration for Children and Families. Our Healthy Start and Pediatric Mental Health Care Access programs help improve health outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Native families.
- Help increase behavioral health services in Tribal communities through programs such as Rural Communities Opioid Response Programs and Graduate Psychology Education program.
How can Tribes and Tribal organizations learn about funding opportunities at HRSA?
Visit our Find Grant Funding page to browse opportunities at HRSA. We pre-populated the search box with a keyword related to Tribes to help you find funding.
How can Tribes and Tribal organizations connect with HRSA?
Tribes and Tribal organizations can:
- Reach out to HRSA Regional Offices
- Participate in Tribal Consultations and attend Listening Sessions
- Sign up for eNews and the HRSA Tribal Affairs newsletter
Contact us
Email HRSA IEA’s Tribal Affairs team.
Email Dr. Juliana Blome, Tribal Affairs Director.