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Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights Information

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Complaint Process

HRSA employees, former employees, and job applicants who believe they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination based on race, color, sex, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual stereotyping, religion, national origin, age, disability (physical and mental), genetic information, and retaliation for opposing discriminatory practices or participating in the discrimination complaint process, have the right to file an EEO complaint.

The EEO Complaint Process is governed by Federal Civil Rights laws, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations(link is external) (XML - 185 KB)EEOC Management Directive 110(link is external), and HRSA policies and procedures. 

OCRDI also provides Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)(link is external) services.  ADR is an alternative to the traditional EEO complaint process and is used to resolve disputes.  

To learn more, visit HRSA’s EEO Complaint Process, or if you have questions, email us at

Reasonable accommodations (RA)

HRSA is committed to providing reasonable accommodations (RA) to applicants and employees with disabilities to ensure that individuals with disabilities have full access to equal employment opportunities. The RA program at HRSA is governed by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973(link is external) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (and amendments)(link is external).

To request an RA, email For more information regarding HRSA’s RA program, see HRSA Policy on Reasonable Accommodation (PDF - 278 KB).

Civil rights information for HRSA recipients

HRSA recipients have an obligation to comply with federal civil rights laws that promote accessibility to healthcare and prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), and religion.

In order to assist HRSA recipients in meeting their civil rights obligations, HRSA offers a broad range of services including technical assistance, individual consultations, trainings, and plain language informational materials.

In particular, HRSA works with recipients to help them understand how to comply with federal civil rights laws by making their programs accessible to:

HRSA provides technical assistance on an ad-hoc basis in response to inquiries and emerging civil rights topics. If you would like to submit an inquiry, contact:

File a civil rights complaint

If you believe that you have suffered unfair treatment or discrimination because of your race, color, national origin (including language access), disability, age, or religion by an HHS program, or an entity which receives financial assistance from HHS, you may file a complaint with the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR). For more information on the laws that OCR enforces and how to file a complaint, please go to Filing with OCR(link is external) or email

Civil Rights Enforcement and Discrimination Resources (PDF - 79 KB)

Contact us

Health Resources and Services Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Phone: 301-443-5636
Fax: 301-443-7898

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